Is This Love?

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! Sorry its taken so long for this update!!! Had a rough few days...but I'm back now and here to offer you the final chapter for this book!!! SMUT WARNING!!!! Its sweet and smutty and fluffy and hopefully the perfect conclusion for these boys....Hope you guys liked this one!!! I know it was rough and I'll try to keep the next one less emotionally keep your eyes open!! Enjoy<3

John insisted that Sherlock get cleared by a doctor before they did anything. Sherlock protested, by eventually gave in after John kissed him thoroughly, reminding him of what he was missing.

They called Mycroft and he arranged a meeting with a private doctor for the next day.

"Why can't we just go to the A&E? They'll clear me-"

"And they'll ask questions and then the cops will be called. They'll accuse me or your father then everything will fall apart."

"I would just tell them it was Victor-"

"That will open an investigation into his death. Let's just wait and let Mycroft's doctor look at you." Sherlock whined and climbed back onto John's lap, pressing soft kisses to his lips and face. "Sherlock-"

"Please John, I-I'll go in tomorrow." John chuckled, catching Sherlock's face and kissing him tenderly. "Please John, let me-"

"No Sherlock. Trust me, you don't want to reopen those wounds. You could cause permanent damage, and I won't do that to you." He brushed Sherlock's curls out of his eyes and smiled softly up at the boy. "Tell you what though, you can sleep here tonight, with me? Then tomorrow, I'll go with you if you want." Sherlock sighed but agreed, letting John lift him up and lower him onto the bed, pulling a giggle from him. They stripped down to their boxers and snuggled under the blankets, Sherlock resting his head on John's chest and tangling their legs together.

It took a while for Sherlock to relax enough to fall asleep, unused to having another body pressed against his own that wasn't trying to take anything from him. When he did finally sleep, it was deep and dreamless.

Victor had never let Sherlock stay, no matter how strung out or overwhelmed the boy was. He take his pleasure, hand Sherlock a baggie of heroin, and send him stumbling from his flat into the night. That was how Mycroft found out. Sherlock had been upset after Victor kicked him out and he took the rest of his drugs, planning on OD-ing. He had called Mycroft to say goodbye.

As Sherlock drifted into unconsciousness, he did so to the thought that John would never hurt him like that.

When Sherlock woke the next morning, it was to John Watson pressing soft kisses to his neck and chest, slowly and gently pulling him from sleep.

"Morning Gorgeous." John's voice was rough with sleep and it sent a thrill through Sherlock. "Did you sleep well?" John's lips found a spot on Sherlock's neck that sent a shock along his spine. He gasped and clutched at the sheets, any response he may have had getting lost as John sucked on that spot.

"J-John-" He managed to gasp, pressing against the warm body behind him.

"You okay Sweetheart?" John pulled back slightly, gently running his fingers along Sherlock's side. Sherlock nodded, and turned in John's arms, smiling sleepily at the older boy. "Morning."

"Morning." Sherlock leaned in and kissed John, crinkling his nose against the sour smell of morning breath. "Did you sleep?"

"A bit. You?"

"Better than I have in years." John grinned and kissed Sherlock again, soft and sweet.

"Good, we should get going. Greg's going to be here soon."

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