Same nightmares and voices again

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Sam's: POV

"I'm so sorry Anthony." said my friend Maria. "God took him to early." I replied and looked at my son's headstone. "Only three years old." she said and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Mr. Kingsleigh!" replied Benjamin and I went up to him. "Does she really exist?" I asked scared. "I'm afraid so!" said Benjamin. I was quiet and didn't know what to say. "Soon she will find new victims." he said and looked at the dark mansion. "She will not kill Mr. Lambert's children right?" I asked. "Who knows!" said Benjamin.

"Daddy!" said a boy. "Theo!" I replied, but it was no one in my room. Same nightmares and voices again, they did not stop haunting me.

I pulled away the curtains and the rain poured down. I walked down to the kitchen and made a cup of hot tea. I sat down at the chair and read the newspaper.

It feels like I've met you before. Adam's words echoed in my head, but I wasn't ready to tell him the truth. He wouldn't believe me anyway.


I had just lit a candle at the cemetery when I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Adam. He was dressed in black and his eyes was surrounded by heavy dark makeup.

"Hello Adam!" I said. "Hey Sam!" he replied. "What are you up to?" I asked. "I would meet Tommy and his best friend Sauli here, he had something importen to tell us." said Adam. "Sounds fun!" I replied.

"Who do you light a candle for? if you don't mind me asking." said Adam. "My son Theo, we were in the forest and we passed a marsh. Everything went so fast and I couldn't save him. He was only three years old." I replied sadly. "I'm sorry to hear!" said Adam low and I nodded.

"Adam!" called Tommy. "Coming!" he called back. "I have to go!" he said and went down to them. Sauli said something funny and other laughed. The thunder rumbled and I returned back home.

I was on my way to the living room when I saw two girls. "You knew it!" they said. I shook my head and they disappeared. Something horrible was about to happen.

Could it be Adam's children that Sam saw? I hope you liked this chapter.


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