"ALLright so before we fuck lets c how we going to b in teh futare"
askrd murdick to black penis
"Well nutt much realy except einstien and Back hatter are homosexual and Demeon wants to succ black cock cock very hard andd myeah 6.9 is a bear"
"sOo 2doc turns out to be real?"
Hearing this murdox abd twodees shot thenselfs but grey person bringed them vack 2 life cus he has Op powers
"plz let us die"
"No we still have to fucc"
"I dont wanna fuck my band what the fuck fuck" sayed 3-D
"2 bad bitch u have 2 cus if u dont will kill yall gotcha":"
'well i guess we dont have a choise'
"tHats what I though'
pREss tHE ButTon tO bEGiNG
so blue depression, demi god, a fucking paper bag, green hair, black, green, no eyes and a japanese gurl starded an orgy. it was aa very sexy orgy indeed. everyone was sexing everyone basicly the ultimate ship. if u wanna have an ideia how it was imagine the orgy in sausage party butt replace the characters with them Mk? so after 666 hours of wrestling on each other and moaning they were all reaching the climax 0w0. Aaandddd boom everyone cummed, they caned at the same tine so cus of dat they FUcking fused :o the fusion looked like an abortion tho cus 8 persons. They all liked cus now they all could be one with their respective senpai
'gUyz lets stay fused forever :D'""
""OoOkey ;D"'''
sO they lived with pleasure till the end of tiemsTeh fucking end.