Chapter 6-Kassiopeia

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(Eds POV)

I had wanted Kat and Matt to hurry up with there 'moment', and personally I didn't really want them to be together that much. Don't get me wrong, I want Kat and Matt and to be happy, of course I do... I just don't want to risk loosing my best friend. Matt is my best friend, I was the one who stayed with him at school and stuck up for him, I was the one there for him when his sister fell ill. Not Kat, and I just don't want him to forget that.

I walked up the steps and towards the school kitchen, searching for something to eat. As I entered I noticed Kassie sat on the floor with her back to me. She was leaning against the counter, her legs curled up beneath her. She was reading a book and hadn't noticed me yet. I changed direction and started towards her, twisting my neck to look at the front of the book but I couldn't make out the title.

"What you reading?" I asked, standing in front of her now. She jumped and looked up, a startled look on her pale face.

"You made me jump" She stated in a annoyed tone adjusting her position and carrying on reading.

When I didn't move she sighed and looked up at me.

"It's called 'hide and seek'." She said glancing nervously down at it then back up at me.

"That sounds boring..." I said chuckling.

"Whats it about?" I sat down next to her as she started explaining it.

"There is this girl called Emily and one night her parents are killed so her and her brother have to go and live with some old friends of their parents." She said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Who killed them?" I interrupted curiously.

"I don't know I haven't got to that bit yet!" She said closing the book and holding it to her chest.

"But I don't trust the people they are staying with because they act strange and Emily keeps having weird dreams but waking up and there being evidence that it was real!" Kassie exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

"And her brother won't talk to her anymore and we don't know why. Oh and there is a strange gardener that might be a Gardner or might not. And there is an abandoned house but she isn't allowed there!" She said stretching her legs out in front of her.

"Wow... Your really into that book aren't you." I said laughing at her enthusiasm.

"Yeah it's scary." She said smoothing out a slight fold on the cover.

"It sounds good... Mind if I read it after you?" I asked.

"Oh sure." She said smiling at me.

I was a bit confused. When she smiled it didn't reach her eyes and it looked sort of forced. I shook the thought away and smiled back. She didn't smile like she used to. She didn't smile like she did that day when things were so much simpler. But It was really good to talk to her as we hadn't talked in a while.

"Do you want a snack?" I asked noticing her hollow cheeks and thin frame for the first time.

"Um... I'm not really hungry..." She said looking down at her thin body self consciously.

"Oh come on you should eat something" I said helping her up.

"Okay." She replied half-heartedly, letting me pull her to her feet.

I couldn't help but notice how thin her wrists were or the many scars that littered the insides of her arm from her wrists to her elbows.

She saw me staring at the scars and hastily dropped my hand, pulling her long sleeves down to cover her arms.

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