Chapter 8 - What to do next

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"The food is gone... A-all of it." She repeated as we all stare in disbelief.

this was the point when she lost it...

A slow tear escaped her eye and rolled down her flushed face. Kat started to reach towards her but she backed away, wrapped her arms around her body protectively and looked at her feet. She did it as a reflex... I didn't blame her, if my life was like hers I would do the same. Kat stepped away and I stepped towards her. Kassie looked up and I saw her eyes, but for what they were. People say that you can look into a persons soul through their eyes, I never knew what that meant until that day.

I reached my hand towards her, she broke eye contact and stepped back,
"Kas..." I say so quietly it's almost a whisper. I can feel two pairs of eyes burning into my back, but I ignore them, all I'm thinking about now is Kassie. She looked up, eyes full of fear. I slowly moved towards her, when I'm just a few centimetres away she steps into my arms.
"It's okay, everything will be okay. You'll see." I whispered so only she could hear. She looked up at me, her eyes full of tears threatening to spill over her delicate face. Carefully I dried her eyes, scared that any sudden movement might break her.

I looked over my shoulder to see Matt holding Kat's hands and looking into her eyes. I couldn't see her expression, but I knew something was wrong. He kissed her forehead and I saw him mouth 'I'm sorry' and with that he was gone.
"Kat what's happened?" I say but she runs out after him.
"E... ed what's happening?" Kassie says pulling herself together and looking up at me,
"I don't know, but something's wrong"
"We better go after them" she pulls away from me, and we walk out after them.

The first thing I see is not what I was expecting, Kat backing away from two men in white overalls. Matt is no where to be seen. The men look like their in their early thirties, one man is taller with long brown hair that is almost down to his shoulders, he isn't to tall only about 5'8, but he was still taller than me or Kat. The other man was a lot taller, well over 6 foot tall, he had thick black hair and looked like he needed a good shave as he had uneven stubble lining his jawline.

"Run!" I whisper-shout to Kas, she looks like she's about to argue then changes her mind and runs inside. I hear a blood curdling scream and look over to see the men grabbing Kat's arms and pulling her backwards towards the van

That's when I stopped thinking and started doing.

I sprinted towards Kat and shouted at the men.
"Let her go"
"Ohhh, we were waiting for twinnie number two to show up!" smirked the black haired man, sneering down at me.

Twinnie our mother called us that, kat was twinnie number one because she was born 2 minutes before me, a fact that she never let me forget. I missed mum, I missed the old life... But how did they know about that. No the can't know it must be a coincidence? I hoped it was.

The man's smirk frightened me, it was so inhuman. Kat, she must have had a panic attack as she was now passed out, was being dragged by the second man and as I watched she was thrown into the back of the van, hitting the floor with a loud thud. The Black haired man turned around grinning at me.

"I know what you are going to do with me and I just want to know why?" I said, my only chance was to keep him talking, the longer the inevitable was delayed the more chance we had.

"Not my place to say mate." said the brown haired man placing some hair behind his ear, he had a odd accent that I couldn't quite pin to a certain location.

"Well, um" what was I meant to do, I started to back away. As I did so the second man noticed and spoke up again,
"You ain't goin no where."
"Yeah, backing away isn't going to do you much good you'll just end up like your sister."

"What did you do to her!" I screamed at them, that must have woken Kat up because she lifted her head up and murmured "E... ed?"
The Black haired man ran back and grabbed her, tears were rolling down her face and mixing with the blood pouring out her nose.
"Don't worry Ed" said the brown haired man starting to make his way towards me. "We won't do anything to your twinnie if you just cooperate." He held his hands in the air in a mock Surrender.

A tear ran down my cheek as, once again, thoughts of my mother flashed through my mind.

"Y... you can't do this." I stuttered, trying to think of something, anything that could help me. The man ran at me and grabbed my arms, I heard screams, high pitched, blood curdling screams.
"Shut up boy" he shouted, but I didn't, I couldn't

The pain hit me, like a bolt of lightning sending searing pain all through the side of my head.

I Felt something warm and wet gush down my face and neck. I think I could just make out Kassie screaming my name, but being held back by a man in a black suit who was shaking his head and talking to her.

"Oh shit..."
The ground was hard and wet though I wasn't sure if it was from my blood or tears. What did it matter? I don't remember hitting the floor anyway. The last thing I remember was someone screaming and holding me in their arms before I was yanked away and my world turned black.

(Kat pov)


I looked around me my eyes wide and startled, the lighting wasn't great in the back of the truck but I could just make out a lump in the corner that was my brother. I examined the inside of the van and immediately noticed a old brown blood stain in the shape of a hand that had been dragged along.
I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. How many other people before me had been forcefully thrown in here?

I tried to stand up but a pain shot through my head. I slowly ripped my white shirt and dabbed at my nose, I pulled it away and my once white shirt was now a maroon red.
"Ow." I said to myself as I realised just how hard he must have hit me,

"Sorry sweet pea." Said the man with the brown hair, opening a hatch from the front of the van.

"But you can't be awake in the van, it distracts Jonathan"

I shook my head trying to crawl back but he was too quick. The last thing I saw was his smirk, followed but his fist colliding with my head.


A month without uploading they come back with a ...

Really short chapter, sorry !

Lou ✌🏻👽

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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