Chapter 3

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We all got off the plane and collected our bags. Devan and Collins turned to me and both gave me a hug at the same time with big cheesy smiles. I laughed and hugged them both tightly. When we pulled apart Collins said "until next time, Lauren" with a wink. I looked down and blushed. Devan and Collins said bye and left, waving.

Collins POV:
I turned to Devan in the Starbucks queue and said "dude, that Lauren girl is really cute, if we see her again i may just go ahead and ask her out." Devan's face turned from a smile to a straight, almost shocked face. "Ummm. Bro i dont think you should do that.." I looked confused. "Why not? I ask, crossing my arms, "because.... I was going to do yhe exact same thing." We both looked at eachother, and then the floor. "So what do we do then Devan, we like the same girl" Devan looked upset. "I dont know Collins, what should we do?" " well we cant just ask her who she likes better, we have to see her again and tell her" Devan nodded in agreement. We got our drink and found Lauren on instagram. Then I dmed her saying 'do you want to meet up? Me and Devan need to talk urgently'. we then sat and waited for her to reply, which didnt take very long. I thought we were meant to be seeing eachother unplanned, hahah anyway, urgent you say. Of course we can meet where abouts are you? We told her we were at starbucks and she said she would be 5 minutes. We waited. 5 minutes later she came in through the door and found us, she sat. 'So, whats so urgent?'

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