Chapter 18

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The following 2 weeks dragged on for what seemed like forever, but the day had finally arrived, the day my boyfriend, his brother and my best friend was coming from California to visit me! a whole 5,318 miles to see me!!

My alarm beeped. i reached my hand out from under my duvet and pressed stop on my alarm. i then pulled the duvet away from my warm body and sat up. My face grew from a tired, expression to a smiling happy one in a matter of seconds when i realised that i will be seeing my 3 favourite people today. i leap out of bed and quickly hop out of bed and get into the shower.

Shannon's POV:
'Guys are you ready to go? Your dad is ready to leave and so am i!' i call from the lounge. we were flying to London today to visit Lauren and we all couldn't wait. Since we booked our tickets for the flight I've seen a change in the way Devan has been acting. I can tell that he has become so much happier. 'Yeah  we're just coming!' i soon hear coming from Collins' room. Before long, I watch as Collins and Devan join me in the lounge. Then we get into Stevens car and drive to the airport.


Laurens POV:
i stand at the airport, watching the board for the signal that Shannon's, Collins' and Devans flight has landed.  I move about, agitated before the words changed to 'LANDED'. i squealed in excitement and go to the arrivals section to meet my boyfriend, and best friend.

10  minutes of waiting at the arrivals gate, i spot Collins (because who wouldn't spot a 6'3 human in a crowd of people haha). My smile grows and grows as i make out Devan and Shannon, who are talking to each other. I then watch as Devan and Shannon start standing up tall and looking around, preferably for me. They then spot me and wave excitedly. They all start running and soon i am squashed by 3 tired, yet very excited people. we all let go of each other and start laughing. I hug each one of the individually, starting with Collins. He gives me a long, warm hug. Then shannon. We squeeze eachother in excitement before letting go.
I then turn to Devan and smile, his smile was a cheeky, yet excited one. He stood with open arms. I run into them and embrace his presence. I still can't believe that he and my 2 best friends are actually here! He kisses my head like he always does and we let go. Holding hands we get into a taxi that will transport us to my apartment.

As soon as we got into the taxi I watch as Shannon starts to eagerly look out the window waiting for us to stop so she could jump out and take pictures and explore. I held Devan's hand and rested my head on his shoulder finally feeling his comfort after so long, I watch as Shannon does the same to Collins and see their relationship get stronger and goofier.

The taxi finally came to a stop and Shannon was first out looking up at the bright blue sky with no clouds and looked around her. "This is so different to California" she remarked "but I like it!" As she runs off Collins and Devan look at me when I reply "you go get her, as soon as u have got her come to my apartment I'm 45B" Devan nods his head and I watch as they chase after Shannon into the distance.

Shannon PoV
I couldn't believe the views or the sights, London was amazing! I start to venture more when Collins and Devan hug me "come on we can see the sights later but now we are her for Lauren" I sigh and nod my head. As we walk back to Lauren's hotel, as I'm climbing the stairs I see Collins and Devan dragging their feet up "come on lazy bones" I laugh. They suddenly perk up as they chase me up the stairs when I look in front of me and see something I couldn't believe.... Lauren kissing another boy

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