Character Glossary

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Prophecy of the Flame - Copyright 2011 by Lynn Hardy

Character Glossary

Names beginning with Sz denote the European J, sounding like a cross between “ssh” and “j.”

Alexandros: Firstborn of King Arturo, crown prince to the Kingdom of Cuthburan

Alicia: Unrecognized master healer whom Reba activates a gift within.

Eric: Program engineer from modern-day Earth; his character is Charles

Andertz: Bastard son of Andrayia and Prince Alexandros

Andrayia: Instructor in the arts of history, science, language, and mathematics to the nobility of Cuthburan; also the mistress of Prince Alexandros

Andskoti: Common name of the deity of Cuthburan

Anzin, Count: Ruler of Gandrus

Araine: A child assigned to collect stones for the archmage

Archbishop: see Prestur

Arturo, King: Ruling monarch of Cuthburan

Baulyard, Count: Ruler of Mountview

Chad: Medical student from modern-day Earth; his character is Jamison

Chazan: A child assigned to collect stones for the archmage

Cheryl: Elder sister to Rebecca

Crystal: Head chambermaid, assigned to Archmage Reba upon her arrival

Cuthburan: The kingdom over which King Arturo rules

Darren: Architect from modern-day Earth; his character is Jerik

Edward: Master tailor

Eldhress, Baron: Ruler of Brightport

Kappi: A child assigned to collect stones for the archmage

Gaakobah: Former apprentice of Merithin

Gabion, Duke: Ruler of Everand

George: Accountant from modern-day Earth; his character is Allinon

Goran: Father of Gaakobah

Harold: Squire to Prince Szames

Hestur: Master steward of Cuthburan

Keth: Brother to Phedra; added to Archmage Reba’s staff after demons killed the rest of his family

Laeknaen:  Elder healer who has no gift of healing

Lani: Full name: RaLain; twin sister to Rebecca

Malegur: A healer with so much anger that Reba decided not to activate his healing gift

Maria: A child assigned to collect stones for the archmage

Mik: Stable master of Castle Eldrich

Nemir: Apprentice to Merithin

Phedra: Sister to Keth; added to Archmage Reba’s staff after demons killed the rest of her family.

Prestur, Archbishop: Leader of the Church of Cuthburan

RaLain: See Lani

Rebecca: Secretary and housewife from modern-day Earth; her character is Archmage Reba

Rikard: Stonemason who created Castle Eldrich and the surrounding city; known also as Master Stonemason Rik

Rokroa, Duke: Ruler of Kempmore

Sheldon: First of the Cuthburan line of rulers; married to Roseanne, his first cousin, then to Monique, princess of the Isles, after Roseanne’s death

Szeanne Rose, Princess: Princess of Cuthburan, third child of King Arturo, second born of Queen Szacquelyn

Szacquelyn, Queen: Queen of Cuthburan, second wife of King Arturo

Szames (Sha-mes), Prince: General of the Forces of Cuthburan, second born of King Arturo, first born of Queen Szacquelyn 

Todd: A child assigned to collect stones for ArchMage Reba

Tupper: Master healer

Varpalava: Prince of Tuvarnava; betrothed of Princess Szeanne Rose of Cuthburan

Vinfastur, Marquess: Ruler of Rhymon

William: Page to crown prince Alexandros. Assigned to Archmage Reba upon her arrival

Yivgeni: Master artist of Cuthburan

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