Episode Three: A Huggers Birthday

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Narrators POV:

Sasha is a mess, she's fine during the day but at night her former self eats her (phrasing😂) alive. She can't sleep and when she does it only gets worse she even took a personal leave of absence from the performance center to try and fix herself if it was even possible at this point




"Damn im getting old, this has been the best birthday ever!" Bayley said overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes and cake of course

"Ha! yeah you are, here me and Cassandra got ya something babe" Becky said handing her a big box

"Wow this thing is big, wonder what it is" Bayley said tearing the paper

Much to her surprise it was a brand new pogo stick, one of her favorite things ever

"Wow...you two know the way to my heart" Bayley said completely in love with it

"Well ya talk about it in your sleep a lot according to Becca" Cassandra said

"I do? wow silly me" Bayley replied

"Oh here's a card from somebody, they must have put it in the mailbox there's no address on it" Becky said handing the card to her

"Ooo a surprise i like that" she said

She opened the card....

To the original hugger i hope your day is as amazing as you are, keep making us all proud honey and remember you were born for this.


She recognized the handwriting....

"Who's it from do ya know?" Becky asked

"Yeah...i think it's from Ashley" Bayley said

"Really?? let me see" Becky said

Becky looked at it and recognized it right away

"Yeah it's definitely from her" Becky said giving it back

Charlotte had been a ghost since the night at Dreamland her current whereabouts were still up in the air

"At least she's okay, i miss her" Bayley said

"We all do babe, we all do" Becky said

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