Episode Eleven: Steady Livin'

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Orlando, FL

2:30 PM

It was another hot ass day in Flordia, they were off till Tuesday why not just relax and do absolutely nothing.

And tomorrow was black Friday, the day that the under used WWE superstars feared more than death (some people are possibility getting fired tomorrow guys this is legit)

"So what do you girls want for dinner? since we have the entire weekend off" Bayley asked

"TACOS!" Becky and Cassandra said at the same time

"Haha well that was quick, we'll do that" Bayley said

"You make the best tacos babe you really do" Becky complimented her

"What can i say mama taught me well" Bayley shrugged

"Heh heh so did i lass" Becky smirked

"Shhh" Bayley said because Cassandra was sitting with them but she was paying no attention

"Pam can i have this?" Cassandra asked handing Bayley the IPad, it was a dress

"Oh! this is cute of course we'll get it for you save the page i'll get to it later okay" Bayley said

"Let me see, oh this is cute it'll look good on and it matches your hair" Becky said

"Yay! thank ya lasses" Cassandra said skipping into the kitchen

"She's so cute" Becky said

"Yeah she's awesome wish my hair was naturally red like that" Bayley asked

"So do I" Becky fake cried

"Oh stop you're hot without the red hair" Bayley said slapping Beckys thigh

"Ha well i guess i am hot huh?" Becky said rubbing Bayley back

"You make me happy babe, never let me go no matter what" Bayley said laying her head on Beckys chest

"Wouldn't dream of it, hell no" Becky said


"It's good to have you back" Sasha said sitting in Charlottes lap

"Good to be back, i missed your cute self" Charlotte said

"You're sweet, so how was it?" Sasha asked

"Actually really relaxing, the locker room is excited for you too come back" Charlotte said

"Wow, didn't expect that really" Sasha said knowing that some of them probably still lowkey hate her

"Yeah that's all they're talking about, we all miss the boss the hype is real with you" Charlotte said making Sasha smile

"I'm gonna give em everything I got for the rest of my career that's a promise not a statement" Sasha said

"Show them what i already know" Charlotte said

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