Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ryder POV

I woke up next to Ronnie, I looked around his room. It was a forest green with dark furniture, I looked at Ronnie who was sleeping like a baby, thank the goddess it's a Friday! I woke Ronnie up and walked to my room and changed into sweats pants and a big purple sweater on top, I put on my converse and grab my bag and phone. I head down stairs and I saw Hazel eating breakfast and Raymond next to her

"Morning, Is Hazel going to the Academy?" I asked

"Yeah, and She's going to talk to the alpha about the rouge attack and is going to school with us because the alpha is at the academy" he said

"Are you serious? is he really there today?" I said with my heart pounding, the memory came to me when he pulled me to his hard chest and his scent was like a drug

"Yeah, so and our brothers might have him for lycanthrope class" he said and I growled angrily

"No, you mean we because I said I'm going whether he likes it or not" I said and walked to car and waited for my brother and Hazel

They got in the car and Hazel looked scared, I put my hand on her forearm "it's okay, don't be scared, if you want we'll all go with you" I told her

"Can you?" she pleaded and I nodded, she looked calm when Raymond put his arm around her shoulder. I smiled and I looked out the window, I wondered if I can fit inside my mates arm.......but I will never have the experience. I shrugged that thought off once we arrive at the school

"Hazel wants all of us to go with her to see the Alpha" I stated and they all look at me

"Is that what you want Hazel?" Raymond asked her and she nodded "please, I don't feel safe when all of you aren't there" she said and he nodded

We got out the car and Richard was looking at a group of pretty blondes " hey Ardy, you wished you had those babe" I said jokingly

"Oh shut up Dee, you wish you had a guy like me" he laughed and I rolled my eyes and smiled we walk in a group , I felt nervous to see the Alpha. Every step I take I feel even more nervous to see him, I hated the fact that he was my mate. Why couldn't the moon goddess gave me a mate that was a protector? Raymond stop and I bump into him

"What the hell?!" I said Raymond was looking at Hazel, she looked scared

"Hazel, what's wrong?"he said and she swallowed a lump in her throat "what if the Alpha kills me?" she said he growled

"He won't, I promise you that. If he does-" Richard interrupted him "we'll defend you" she smiled and nodded

We all went to the office to get her schedule and locker. She had all of Raymond's classes of course but I didn't care unless she was safe I'm okay, I realize that I was Turing into my brothers. I think I'm being over protective on Hazel, I smiled because I know what my brothers are feeling.

"Okay guys, I'm going to class bye" I said and they all nodded, we said good bye and I walk to my class ignoring every girl that was talking bad about me.

Time was going really fast, I felt like I took five minutes in history and four minutes in algebra. I was in Spanish with my brothers and Hazel, I was doing my work and then I realize I had two more minutes until class was over.

'Hey Raymond mind if Hazel goes with me to the library?' I mind link him

'Yes! I want her in my watch and I want both of you to eat properly' he said

'We will, she under my watch and I won't let her out of my sight' I said

'I don't know' he said unsurely

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