Planning and flirting

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"Hey! Lena." Kara creepily whispered as she crawled toward the side of Lena's bed; on the floor. She held up a flyer and gestured to it.

Lena turned towards Kara and smiled at her with a questioning look, she mentally bookmarked her page in her head before closing her book. "What's this?" Lena leaned over and took the flyer from Kara's hands. She read it over some before turning back towards Kara, who was bouncing in her spot with excitement.

"Do youuu wannna!?" Kara asked elongating her words to sound cute. "...because you know, this would be our chance! Code blue bestie, code blue!"

Lena looked at her amused and then a little confused. But when Kara said code blue everything became clear. "Oh! Operation revenge is a go, is it now? And of all places-" Lena turned the flyer toward Kara as she spoke. "-here?"

Kara nodded excitedly before jumping up onto her feet. "An abandoned mansion, it's perfect to get back at those three!"

Lena looked at Kara confused again before turning the flyer back towards herself to look it over. "There are at least fifteen houses in town, Kar. Why this one? And where did you even get this?"

"Because it's closer and within pedaling distance. Oh and I got that at a flee market on Arkham avenue. You wouldn't believe all these cool things people were selling! I got some really cool gem stones, and a video game for Alex for her birthday- but anyways I'm getting off topic. There was this dude there, he's like a realtor of some sort, but he was there selling band merch and he happened to have them just laying out... So I may have taken one. Also these are houses he plans to fix and flip, at least... that's what I over heard him say on his cell phone, and I digress again. Not only is this one the closest-" Kara stopped for a moment and pointed at the house on the flyer. "-but its the last one to be worked on, so no construction workers around for a few weeks, and I may have also swiped the key and copied it!" Kara smiled after she rushed through her last sentence, hoping Lena wouldn't get mad.

Lena nodded at everything Kara was saying, but then stopped when she heard about the key. "Kara...? Um, how did you steal the key and copy it without getting caught? I assume you took the original back?"

Kara stared at Lena and held up a finger like she had an answer, her mouth opened as she was gonna say something but stopped. "A, oh. Be right back Lena!" Kara quickly got up and ran out of her room.

Lena shook her head as she watched the girl bolt out of her room in a panic. She opened her book and went back to reading until Kara got back. Lena giggled. "She's so adorable." She smiled.


"So... Danvers, you come here often?" Maggie asked as she walked next to Alex in the lunch line, leaning up against the tray counter. Trying to give Alex her best Flynn Ryder smolder. 

Alex was in the middle of grabbing some utensils, but stopped to look at Maggie. She tilted her head as she spoke. "You mean to lunch... at school? Yes I do." Alex smiled before she went back to what she was doing. She started sliding her tray along the counter rack as she went through the choices. Maggie walked backwards, leaning her elbow on a tray, sliding down the rack. She stopped every time Alex stopped. "Aren't you gonna get anything?" Alex looked up at Maggie after grabbing an apple.

"Oh! Me? Nah! You know me, Danvers-" Maggie put her left hand on her right shoulder and started moving her arm in a circler motion, as if she was stretching. "Im trying to... You know get some mad abs! And I like to work out with an empty stomach. And unfortunately for me, gym is after lunch. But when you look this good-" Maggie stopped again, to flex her arm muscle, trying to show off. "-you gotta make sacrifices." Maggie smiled at Alex. She moved her arm back down on the tray and started moving backwards again, so Alex could move down the line.

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