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"But mom!" Kara whined as she stuck out her bottom lip.

"Kara, no buts! You made the mess, so you have to clean it up. And no potstickers for a month!"

"What kind of punishment is that!?" Alex asked as she walked down the stairs, Maggie following suit.

"Yeah! That's a horrible punishment!" Kara budded in.

"No! It's not even a real punishment!"

"Alex. Honey please. You know Kara doesn't have a lot of friends. And considering the things that has happened to her, she doesn't need a gigantic punishment. And besides, I think this one's enough to make her behave. And she's a good kid. She just... wants more attention from her older sister." Eliza smiled and stepped behind Kara, resting her hands on her shoulders.

Alex's mouth fell open at the sight.

"Yeah!" Kara blocked out the part that was obviously about her parents and just focused on everything else her mother said. "And hey! Mom I have friends!" Kara looked over at her mother, feeling a little embarrassed, but then turned back towards Alex. "And Al, I need more big sister time!" Kara grinned and then walked closer to Alex, which caused the taller girl to back up some.

Kara held out her arms for a hug as she kept walking closer to Alex.

"I give you plenty of attention! You're like that puppy that wont get off my leg!"

"No. That's what Maggie's for." Kara smiled as she embraced her sister, resting her head on her chest.

Alex held up her arms as Kara hugged her and then looked over at Maggie, who was barely paying any attention, before coming back to reality. "She's not wrong." She held her arms out and shrugged her shoulders.

"Aww." Eliza said as she watched them hug.

Alex looked back over at her mother. "You can't be serious!? You're just gonna let her off? This is outrageous!"

"What's outrageous is that tone, sweetie. Now, why don't you go take Kara and your girl-friend to the movies. It is summer after all." Eliza smiled.

Alex's was flabbergasted. "What!? You're not the least bit mad!? And girlfriend!?"

"Honey. When you get to be my age you start to worry less about this kind of stuff. And Kara will be making it up to you by hanging out with you all summer. And yes, Maggie is a girl and she is your friend, isn't she?"

Alex decided to let it go. "Fine! And i'm not so sure about the girl part." Alex looked over and grinned at Maggie.

Maggie clicked her tongue and then punched Alex in the arm.

"Alright! It's settled. You kids go have fun! And I'll relax! I'll have dinner done when you get home." Eliza walked over and started to shove the three out the door.

"Wait dinner!? How long do you think we'll be gone!?" Alex asked as she tried to turn around, but kept being pushed to the door.

"I've had to work all day and night! I'm going to take a 5 hour nap and then watch deal or no deal. You kids need to get some fresh air and not be so cooped up in here!" Eliza shoved them out the door, then said one last thing. "Have fun kids. Love you guys!" Then she slammed the door shut.

"Yay! To the movies!" Kara cheered. "Are you mad that I'm comi- ouch!"

Alex cut Kara off by smacking her in the back of the head. "That's for scaring us awake and for swearing earlier! And no, but you're being a real pain. Now get in the car!"

Kara rubbed the back of her head and then smiled up at Alex. She turned and walked towards the car and opened the passenger seat.

"Kara. Maggie's sitting there."

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