And so it begins...

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Alex drove up to the front of the house and lowered her head to try and get a better look. "Yo Kar. You sure this is the place?"

Kara sat up and looked over at Alex and then out the windshield. "Yeah. This is Isley avenue, isn't it?" 

Alex moved her right hand around in the air as she spoke. "Yeah. But I thought you said the place was abandoned, and that it was going to be flipped. This place looks like it's all decked out."

Kara leaned up closer. She was basically on top of Alex's lap now. She squinted her eyes to get a better view. "I mean... It's not your stereotypical mansion. But... It still looks like shi- crap." Kara looked over at Alex, as she caught herself and gave her an awkward smile, showing her teeth and all.

Alex looked at her unamused. "Just get off me and go check it out."  She sounded annoyed.

Kara's face fell and she frowned. Alex must really be hurting. She slid off her sister and got out of the car. She ran off towards the mansion to peak around, just to double check.

"Alex why are you acting like this?" Winn asked concerned.

Alex scrunched up her nose. She didn't turn around or acknowledge his question. In fact she just wanted this overrated trip; even from her... In the beginning, to be over with. She opened her door and got out of her car. Slamming it shut behind her, and walking off to the house where Kara was running back, from the backyard.

"This place is awesome! And it's clear! Guys, come on!" Kara waved for them, before going back in.

Everyone got out of the car, as Alex was popping the trunk open and pulling her bags out. She made sure to grab Kara's too, since she forgot to grab them. Alex made sure to get in the house before the rest of them got towards the trunk. And by most of them, it was obvious who she was trying to avoid.

If she was getting the cold shoulder, then she'd give it right back. She was above playing games, but this whole thing was starting to piss her off.

She lunged the bags over her shoulder, and the other in her hand. She turned and started walking to the house.


Winn, Lena and Maggie were in aw as they entered the mansion.

"Check this place out!" Winn spun while taking everything in.

"It's gorgeous." Lena smiled while proceeding into the house.

"Yeah!" Maggie breathed out. The place really did take her breath away. She started to look around.

She walked to the back of the house, where she found a set of stairs. She moved towards the railing and slid her hand along it. She walked around and went up a few steps. "God the artistry in this!" She said just above a whisper as she glided her hand along the railing, as she ascended up the steps.

When she made it to the top she looked around a corner, peaking down towards a hallway. She walked forward and made her way down the hall. She stopped at the third door. Something about it made her want to go in there. She grabbed the knob and opened the door. When she saw the room, she gasped.

In the center of the room was a queen size bed. It had the softest looking blankets and pillows. They looked so comfy and soft. Off to the right of the bed was a balcony area. She immediately walked over there and pushed opened the doors. She could see the sun going down and the stars starting to peak through the orange and pink sky. She walked further out. The balcony was fairly big. Big enough that it had a porch swing on it. Maggie turned and went back into the bedroom. The room wasn't necessarily huge. It was definitely bigger than her own. But her's should be labeled more of a walk in closet.

The night we spent in a mansionWhere stories live. Discover now