Chapter 27

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***Mai's P.O.V.***

I'm not staying here, I'm not staying here, I am not staying here.

The words repeated in my head like a catchy song that refused to leave. This room was pitch black, and my adjusting sight hadn't helped at all. You'd think that after hours of sitting in a dark room, I'd be able to at least see the outlines of things. To make things even worse, I think a rat crawled over my hand at one point.

I figured that the rest of the house was probably being lit up by the first light of the day, and I envied that while I sat here. I was occupied, at least I could say that. Oh, was I occupied. I had managed to find a large piece of something, and upon blindly examining it I could feel that there was a sharp point to it. So, for the past hours I had been sharpening that point against any surface I could find. I didn't exactly know how sharp it was then, but I would find out soon enough.

With the scraping of sharpening the object I hummed a random tune, and then stopped when I realized that it was one of the boys' songs. Just as it died down, the door creaked open. The dim light that was beyond the door leaked through slowly until the man from before entered the room.

I'm not staying here.

He approached me slowly as I sat still and kept the sharp object behind my back. Now that the light was entering the room, I could see that I was sitting on a worn out mattress, with a headboard close by, and then a fireplace next to that. Out of the corner of my eyes, I tried to look at where I had gotten the object from and I spotted a pile of wood. I just prayed that it would be enough to get me out of here. A smile ran across his lips when he was close enough, and when he reached out to touch me, I chose to strike.

Quickly, I drove the sharp end of the wood into his shoulder. Something wet splattered against my cheek, but I ignored it; I ignored his surprised and pained face, and I bolted for the door as fast as my legs would carry me. Adrenaline; that's the only things that got me out of that room before he had a chance to catch me. My father was in the hallway, but I pushed him aside swiftly before running past him too.

I'm not staying here.

Over and over again, the words repeated and I pushed on. I could remember back to the night before when the man had been pulling me through the hallway. If the boys thought that I had tried to escape from them, then they should see me now. The moment I burst through the front door of the old house, I was heading for the woods and running like a track star. I swear, with each call of my name I heard I sped up.

I'm not staying here.

Of course, my foot got caught in a patch of mud, and it flung me to the ground with my shoe stuck in the goop. With a curse, I heard the shouts coming closer to me, and I willed myself to get up. It's surprising to me that my legs could turn to noodles in the matter of seconds after falling. The fatigue of my fast start was setting in after a break from the running, and now it seemed impossible to get up. However, I pulled myself off of the ground and started up a sprint again. I pushed myself to my absolute limit before leaning on a tree when the calling of my name had ceased.

With a pant I laughed out, ''Stick that in your juice box and suck it, dad.''

There was a crack of a twig and I felt my whole body freeze.

No. I'm not staying here.

Slowly, I edged out from behind the tree to see how close they were and to figure out if I could make a run for it. However, there was no one there when I looked, and I edged even further out from behind the tree. No one. Maybe my mind had just played a trick on me, or it was an animal. I prayed that it was just that.

"Gotcha,'' a voice whispered. I jumped in surprise, but was unable to look at the man before he wrapped my hair around his knuckles and began to pull me back towards the house. I cried out in pain, but he only tugged harder and pulled me towards the house faster.

I don't want to stay here.




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