Chapter 36~ The End of Book 1

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***Mai’s P.O.V.***

In the end, my mother and I had decided that I should postpone my next year of college. We had agreed that I should let things with publicity (thanks to Harry’s confession) and the residual things from the trial just settle down. After all, it wouldn’t be the best idea to go to university while I had so many things on my mind. Of course, this meant that the boys were trying to contact me more and more about when I might be able to visit London and spend time with them. They were finishing their tour up and they were so persistent about this that it was slightly annoying.

I had spent a better part of my days just sitting around on the computer and laughing at random things on the internet. When I actually felt like being productive, I would try to study some of the things that I would be learning if I was at university. Those were the days that I ended up bored as crap and then just returned to the computer. I had tried to get a job, but my mom and step dad were always pulling me around to places when I wasn’t stuck in the house, and nothing seemed to work out in the end. To be honest, life was pretty boring. First world problem, I know.

My mom was insisting that I stay with her at the house just like the old days, and I just felt bad for hogging all of the food and such. Clay came over sometimes when he was back from university, and that was a plus. Other than that, it was the same old same old. Everything was pretty much back to normal. So, my day that day had started out like any other.

I walked down the short driveway of our house in my pajamas-even though it was already two in the afternoon; I liked to lounge around in them-and made my way towards the mailbox. With a yawn, I opened it up and pulled out everything that was inside before trudging back to the door to the house. Flipping through the different envelopes that no doubt held bills for my parents to pay, I stopped when I came across something that was addressed to me. Upon tearing it open, I found that there was nothing inside except for a folded piece of drawing paper that had words scribbled over it. When I unfolded it, I read what was on it.

August 7, 2015

Eira Mai Kendrick; brown hair, brown eyes, 5’ 6”

I was kidnapped by my father and one of his friends and taken to this house that you are in. My father intends to bring me to Africa. If you find this than please notify someone who might be able to help.

Then, in the middle of the driveway, I froze and just stared down at the note in my hands. Checking to see who had sent it, I found nothing on the envelope that would inform me of who. With shaking hands, I flipped the piece of paper over, the piece of paper that I had written while still in the captivity of my father and his friend. On the back, there were just four words scrawled out.

I’m coming for you.

And with those words, it was like every single nerve in my body joined together to make my whole entire body shiver. That feeling that comes along when you miss one of the steps on the stairs and begin to fall suddenly set in. That was the best that I could describe the feeling of fear as that was currently coursing through me. It was something so unbearable that it made it so that I couldn’t even move from my spot. So, I stood there for the longest amount of time and just stared down at the piece of paper.  

I stood in the same place for so long that I only started to move again when my mom pulled into the driveway. “Mom,” I whimpered like a small child who had just been told that their grandmother died. She shut the door to her car quickly and rushed over to me, regarding me with concern.

“What’s wrong, dear?” she questioned seriously. I couldn’t speak for a moment, but when I finally could the words were almost too soft to hear.

“I-I don’t,” I couldn’t even finish because she had taken the note from my hand and read it for herself. She immediately gasped, and I knew that she was thinking the same thing as I was. There was only one person that could have sent it that would make everything make sense; the one person who hadn’t been sent to jail.

There was a long silence from my mother, and she seemed as though she was contemplating something thoroughly. Her forehead was scrunched slightly while she thought, and when she finally spoke she seemed confident with her idea. "I really think that it would be a good idea if you were to take those boys up on their offer," she said and I gaped at her proposal.

"Mom, do you hear yourself?"

"Hear me out, Ay," she began, "all I want is for you to be safe, and I really can’t protect you even though I wish I could. Those boys, even though they might have tried to take you away before, they have security. You'd be the safest there for a while, but then we'll figure out a way to keep you safe and you won’t have to stay with them anymore."

I didn’t like what she was suggesting, but it did make sense because the boys did have security gaurds at their disposal. Plus, they could actually make use of those security guards now that they hadn’t kidnapped me and kept me secret from them. It would be fairly safer than just staying at home and hoping that nothing happened to me. However, could I trust the boys to stay with them until my mom figured things out?

“How long would I be staying with them?” I wondered, trying to figure out just how long I would have to put up with being away from the people I love.

She thought before speaking, “I’d say three weeks at the most; hopefully we’ll have found a way to deal with this. I’ll contact the police, anyone who I need to get in touch with in order to make sure you’ll be okay. Then you can come back as soon as you want, okay?”

I nodded, and she ushered me away to go contact one of the boys so that I could inform them of the news. I’m sure that they would be ecstatic to hear that I would be taking them up on their offer to stay with them. So, I dialed the most familiar number and put the phone to my ear. Part of me was hoping that he wouldn’t answer and I could delay this for a little while longer, but he did end up picking up the phone. “Hey,” the simple word came through the phone and I let out a long sigh.

 “Hey, Liam.”


And that is the end to book one. The next book should be up fairly soon and it is called I Think I've Been Wishful. I am sorry that this was short and rushed, but i needed to update before Sunday. I will be gone until Saturday, and in that time i will not be able to get on the computer or phone and update. I will see you then, and i hope you read the next story. I promise that it wont just be another repeat of this one :)


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