Modern Day- 2017-London,England

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I've never been to the British Museum but have always wanted to go. I researched it and went off plans that I found online. Hopefully no one gets to upset that I didn't get it 100% correct.



Today was the day. The day I would finally speak up and demand to go with Dr. Walt on his next expedition. I've been petitioning to be his assistant for years and he always said that he needed me to stay and take over for him as curator while he was away. At first it seemed like a big honor, a just recently college graduate that was given a job at the British Museum taking over a huge job like that. It was truly remarkable and an honor.

That was three years ago. Now it's a different story.

It is more of a task then a privilege. I've now noticed that when he leaves, he gives me paperwork that he needed to before he left on one of his expeditions.

Well not this time. This time I collected all of his paperwork in advance and finished it for him. Labeled and organized based on his preference. The stack of papers that I was holding as I ran through the streets of London took me four hours to put together. I was not going to let anything mess them up. It seemed like he couldn't leave without these documents anyway. They had details pertaining to his latest expedition. Crews names that were hired to help him at the dig site, equipment that I only dreamed about using in the field, and accommodations for him and for others joining him.

I was hoping I was one of the three that were selected to accompany him this time. This was my year. Nothing was going to stand in my wa-

"Hey!" I shouted as I was bulldozed into by a bystander. That wasn't what bothered me though. Although that was a small part of what happened. My glasses had slipped off and my satchel had flown off. As well as the papers in my hand flying out of the nice bundle I had created.

There wasn't even any sorry or let me help you. The guy just wasn't there at all. He vanished.

"Oh that's just great," I grumbled on my hands and knees picking up my scattered belongings.

And as fate would have it, that wasn't even my real problem.

It started to rain.

Not just a slow drizzle but a heavy down pour.

Why did this happen to me? All I wanted to do was show Dr. Walt that I was every bit capable to handle this expedition. This situation was not helping me at all. It was just showing that I was not capable of doing anything right or being prepared. Many things over the past few months have been changing. Usually I'm very organized and not this clumsy. Well less clumsy.

It actually started around the time Dr. Walt announced that one of their dig sites has found something and he was making arrangements to go to Cairo, Egypt to work. Events have happened in my life since then that has altered how I am.

Sometimes its small things. Like misplacing things, forgetting details, and then there's the dreams. These dreams vary in different ways, but the one thing that is constant is the male lead. At first I thought it was due to the lack of love life that I had required, but then it just grew from there. Sometimes I could control the dreams, but as the dreams continued, I was just falling the demands of my mystery dream man.

But these dreams have been happening since I turned eighteen. They have gotten more intense recently.

With these intense dreams, it causes me to not get a good amount of rest at night. Some nights I'm woken up in some compromising situations, and some embarrassing sounds. Nora, who moved to London to attend University College Hospital; came bursting into my room one night in a panic. After we realized what was happening, she said she would knock next time.

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