The Sponsor

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Today was the big day. The day I have been working so hard for. 

There was no light coming in through my windows yet. I wasn't able to sleep a wink last night, to excited and still skeptical that this was all real. To appease my erratic mind, I packed and re-packed all the essentials that I would need for my trip. That also meant I took out everything I had packed neatly, unfolded clothes, looked at the documents I needed, and other little necessitates. So when the time came for me to leave, I was running a little behind.

With only twenty minutes left before I needed to leave for the airport, I still hadn't showered and write a to do list for Nora. As I stood over the counter with a pen in my hand, rhythmically tapping it on the blank note pad, I had a thought.

Was I really doing the right thing leaving Nora for so long? 

We haven't really been apart for years now. Always getting into trouble together. She was more than a roommate and a friend, she was my sister. Just then my phone dinged, indicating I had gotten a text message. Pulling myself out of thought I picked up my phone thinking it was Mr. Walt with more information for me. Instead it was Nora.

Hey dork! Just your friendly reminder to get your butt in gear and go to the airport! Don't worry about me! I want you to go have fun! And get laid!! You need to relax and forget about your f-ing idiot of an ex. Cheerio!    ;)

Well, that takes care  of that then.  Chuckling at her antics I put my phone down and looked at the clock. 

Crap! I'm going to be late!

****************************** 1 hour later, Heathrow Airport***************************

After a long trip on the tram, I was finally at the airport. After getting in a cab to take me to terminal 2, I looked frantically around for Dr. Walt and the other interns who would be going with us. 

I was one of the first that Dr. Walt had picked for his trip. The true meaning was because as he said, he didn't have the heart to go through the huge pile of applicants and deny those that couldn't go. After he said that I felt a little used, but in the end it was all okay, because I was finally going! A little worried in the beginning, wondering how we were going to get there. The museum had a budget, and with the calculations done on the equipment, and the tour guide's fees and extra help, we barely had any funding left for the two of us to go there let alone six of us. 

When I brought this up to Dr. Walt he waved away my concerns and said that an unexpected sponsor had donated to our expedition. Thankful for the new sponsor, I wanted to send a thank you basket to them for saving my first expedition. Trying to get the information from Dr. Walt or anyone at the museum was like pulling teeth. I kept getting the same response, "They wanted to be anonymous," or "Your not qualified to know that kind of information," and my favorite, "As long as you get paid, I don't see why you should care."

After awhile it just made me feel belittled, so I stopped asking. Besides I had more important matters to attend to. I still had to pick the other interns who were going with us. I had it narrowed down to six. I felt sad knowing I would have to let two of them know that they couldn't attend with us. 

The two I knew for sure that I was going to chose were Laura, a third year graduate student who needed one last credit before she graduated. In her paperwork she stated that this would be her one last shot at gaining that last bit of experience before she graduated. She went into more detail, but what really caught my eye is that she was real diverse. There wasn't a real sole interest in Egyptian excavation, she had a wide range of sites that she worked on. Most where run down churches with ancient history, or castles. She wanted to try her hand in the desert. It also helped that she could speak the same language as I can, so more the merrier. There was also recommendations from her professors on her quality of work so I knew that she would get what needed to be done done.  

The other intern is Kevin. He's not actually an intern more like a senior intern. He has been on Dr. Walt's other expedition's before and knows how he reacts and he can help the others to know what to expect. I've actually worked with Kevin before and he knows exactly what to do and can help train the other interns and me as well. 

With the other slots, those where difficult. I was being, in a nice but threatening way, to pick the two from higher up. When I asked why, I was told that the sponsor wanted them for the team. With the sponsor having more of an involvement in the expedition, I knew I had to go by their wishes for fear they pull their funding. So with no other option I choose them. 

To be honest, I wouldn't have chosen them. They didn't really have the qualifications that we would need. Nonetheless, I put them in the file for Dr. Walt. Having never met the two of them, when I came to the terminal, I stopped cold in my tracks.

For there in front of me was Evan and the skank who he cheated on me with. She surprisingly was dressed like she meant business, in black Nike workout pants, pink tennis shoes that looked they were high end brand name. 

"Evan?!" I shouted. With the bustling of the terminal they didn't hear me. Which was good. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. Or see him.


Unfortunately luck was not on my side. Dr. Walt, in his perfect as ever suit looked over at me and waved me over.

"Molly! Molly over here!" That's when everything turned wrong on what was supposed to be my perfect trip.

Walking over slowly, and avoiding the eyes of Evan and the blonde bimbo, I stopped in front of Dr. Walt.  

"Molly I would like to introduce you to some important people." Dr. Walt held out his hand and waved me over to the one place I didn't want to go to. With no other option, I turned and faced Evan head on. I stopped in my tracks. Stunned. 

Evan looked.... different. He didn't allude to that overwhelming aura like he used to. Something that attracted me to him in the first place. His once dark, all absorbing brown eyes seemed life less, he lost a few pounds, but not enough to look it. From looking at him all the time with adoration in my eyes I would be able to tell the smallest detail. The only thing that I found to be better about his appearance is his hair. Evan used to wear it long, and he had blonde highlights put in more than I did my own hair. 

Now it was short and looked presentable. 

"Hello Evan." My voice was monotone, not wanting to give away my true feelings of betrayal. After all of this time I still hold resentment for him and this bimbo, who is surprisingly not hanging onto him. Although she is glaring at me. 

Taking Dr. Walt by surprise, it took him a good second to respond. 

"Molly, you know Mr. Westmore?"

"Westmore?" I looked at Dr. Walt and Evan.

Finally in his rough tone Evan said, "Its my mothers last name. I thought it would be better to go incognito for the trip." 

"Yes, its all thanks to Mr. Westmore's family that our expedition is still on." Dr. Walt said with excitement.

Shocked I whirled on Evan and pointing at him I practically screamed, "Your the sponsor?!"        

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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