Nigga. Is That a Soft Lavender?

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They walked me into a room to meet who I assumed to be the blood bowser. I expected a scary looking old fat fart decked in all red attire, boy was I wrong.

Good looking young fart, dressed in a purple suit.

"Nigga. Is that a soft lavender?" I asked in all seriousness. He looked at me like I was dumb, and then at his workers like they were retarded.

"Who she? Why she here?" He questioned with a perfectly arched eyebrow lifted. Before his employees could answer I spoke up, " Who did your eyebrows?", which he ignored.

"This some Crip we found on the side of the street."

"I'm not a Crip." I chimed in. Earning a slight slap to the back of the head. "Yes she is"

"Nigga! How you gone' tell me what I am?" I looked at one of them with a side eye.

" I'm not a crip." I repeated. He glanced over my attire "Looks like it." I let out a huff of air.

"I just really, really, really, really, really , RE-A-LLY like the color blue." I clarified myself. His face turned into one of contemplation, he looked like that one emoji.

You guys know what I'm talking about.

"Well we can't let you go." He finalized. "The hell you mean 'we can't let you go'? I mocked in a high pitched voice.

"I don't know if ya' dumbass realized it or not but you've been kidnapped-"

No damn duh.

"- Therefor, that shit illegal, meaning you. Ain't. Going. Nowhere." He spoke with finalization in his every word.

"So is this a temporary thing, ooooorrrrrrrrr?" I asked lifting my duck taped hands.

He lifted the opposite eyebrow with a small quirk of his lips, "We'll see."

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