Improvising And Life

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If all the world's a stage
Then life's a play
And we're never really given our lines
The audience doesn't know what to make of you
How are you gonna contribute?
You'll have to improvise!

To improvise means
To make it up as you go
So take a deep breath
And put on a show
Everyone makes mistakes
So at first, go slow

We all have our parts to play
In this production of present history
We have the freedom to decide our roles
So let's wait and see
How this plays out,
What will you be?

It's gotta make sense,
When you are on stage with others,
To make something out of it
Whether it's with an enemy or a brother
Do something great, something smart, something fantastic!
(If you try really hard, it might be fabulous)

Well, some might insult at your way, they might Say, "you look like a tool!"
Best remember Shakespeare's words:
"Better a witty fool
than a foolish wit!"
So don't be afraid, throw your lot in the pool

You see, a play can be a lot of things
A mystery, a romance, or satire
But the actors can be something more
Light a bright fire
On a dull tundra
To burn away someone's ire

Remember, your character's you,
So be someone we'll be glad we knew
Never forget that whatever you do,
It's alright! Because we love you.


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