June 12th
I saw Jonah today. Well I thought I saw him. I know I didn't because he is gone. Dead. I also know that ghosts don't exist. He was standing at the end of my bed when I woke up. I forgot that he couldn't have been here. I just saw his beautiful blonde curls hanging in his large green eyes.
I remember his fifth (and last) birthday as though it was yesterday: his anchor shaped cake, black and white streamers strung all over the back garden -it was pirate themed-, Jonah dressed as a pirate captain.
I said his name, probably grinning like an idiot, the same as I used to when he was around. He stared at me for a few seconds before disappearing.
I think what was left of my heart shrivelled up and died when he vanished. I'm pretty sure I sat there for about an hour crying my eyes out. I really hope my mind doesn't play any more tricks on me; otherwise I might actually die.
Faith and Fate
Historia CortaMy name is Faith. Faith Rose Williams. It's ironic really because I don't have faith. I don't believe that a God exists. I don't believe in the Devil and I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I especially don't believe in ghosts or spirits. If ghosts w...