Hush little kitty you're safe

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The warm atmosphere is a change for the boys who are now finally inside. Jungkook looks down at the sleeping hybrid in his arms and sighs, wondering how he got himself in this situation. The boy is shaking vigorously and the soaking clothes stop the boy from heating up in the cozy apartment. Jungkook walks to the bathroom and opens the tap, filling the bath full of warm water.

"Hey", he shakes the boy softly to wake him up, "Hey kitty".

The boy opens his eyes, looking up into Jungkook's dark orbs. He yelps and hides his face into the younger's chest.

"W-where am I?", he whimpers, clawing at the wet material of Jungkook's shirt.

"Safe", Jungkook smiles, "I wasn't going to let you die in the cold".

"M-My master will miss me!", the boy stomps the younger's chest weakly.

"He will miss you more if you die from hypothermia", Jungkook ruffles the other's wet locks and sets him down. The boy is shorter than him and his clothes hang loosely around his frame.

"What's your name?", he asks the hybrid who stares at the floor. He doesn't get an answer and he begins tapping his foot against the cold tiles of the bathroom. "If you don't tell me I'll keep calling you kitty", Jungkook sing songs. A grin dances on his lips when he sees the boy's cheeks heat up.

"T-Taehyung", the boy says softly, playing with his tail.

"Alright Taehyung, my name is Jungkook and I just filled this bathtub so you can wash up and get warm. How does that sound?", he asks, internally cooing at the cute movements of the other's cat ears.

"G-good", the hybrid nods shyly.

"Good", Jungkook nods and walks over to the door, "I'll place a fresh set of new clothes at the door so you can wear them instead of these rags".

Taehyung nods again and Jungkook walks out, feeling giddy all of a sudden.

He changes his own clothes into more comfortable ones and gets his laptop out. His draft is still open on Word so he begins typing away, writing a thousand words in a short amount of time. He smiles realizing the boy broke down his writer block.

My editor is going to be happy for once.

A sudden scratching sound draws his attention. He kicks his chair back and follows the weird sounds to the front door. Taehyung is wearing the clothes Jungkook gave him except for the jeans and is clawing at the front door sitting on his knees.

"Taehyung?", he calls out and sees the boy freeze, "What are you doing?"

"I-I miss my m-master", he croaks out, "He n-needs me. I d-don't want t-to be disobedient"

"He left you there in the pouring rain Taehyung", Jungkook furrows his dark eyebrows, "He obviously doesn't miss you".

"Don't say that!", Taehyung screams out, spinning around abruptly, "H-He said he'd come back! I trust him!"

Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose letting a sigh linger in the air.

"Alright, you know what? Tomorrow we'll go back at the place he left you at and wait for him. How does that sound?"

He hesitates, biting his plump bottom lip in thought. His white tail flickers and wraps itself around the small boy's waist.

"Okay, but only for tonight", he nods curtly, his eyes darting to the carpet. Jungkook follows the hybrid's movements as the boy curls up onto the carpet, snuggling his head against the rough surface.

"Taehyung? What are you doing?", he asks frowning at the sleeping place of the hybrid.

"Trying to sleep", came to muffled answer of the boy.

"On the ground?", Jungkook specifies.

"Where else? Silly human", Taehyung giggles and closes his eyes again.

"You know I have a bed where you can sleep on, right?", Jungkook pokes the hybrid's leg whose eyes shoot open.

"Master never lets me sleep in his bed", Taehyung replies, "And I will especially not sleep in one when you're in it".

Jungkook ruffles his hair in frustration and crouches down. The angelic features of the hybrid is really something. He's fascinating.

"I won't be sleeping tonight. I have a chapter to finish and I finally found some inspiration", he tugs at Taehyung's sweater to get the boy to stand up. He shakes his head, being the stubborn cat he is, and curls even more into himself.

"Fine", Jungkook huffs, standing up. He goes over to the kitchen table where his laptop is situated to finish his draft. He types away, drinking a lot of coffee to keep him awake. Hours pass and the only noises in the room are Jungkook's constant typing and Taehyung's soft breathing. The dark haired boy looks over to the hybrid curled up onto his carpet and sighs. That position can't be good for his back. Jungkook sends his chapter to his editor and walks up to Taehyung, crouching down again to pick the boy up. Taehyung is a deep sleeper so he doesn't even stir in his sleep when Jungkook brings him to the bedroom and tucks him in. Jungkook then grabs a blanket from the closet and goes over to the couch, making himself comfortable.

He falls asleep with caffeine raging in his blood streams and a certain cat boy on his mind.

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