Be Our Guest

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The team members paced back and forth before the fireplace. "Something has to be done!", Artemis cried, lying on her side. "We're running out of time. Just look at me! I've grown three more feathers! And I plucked just yesterday!" "I know what you mean.", Wally said, trying to stretch out his metallic joints. "I'm getting stiffer everyday." "I keep telling you all, its no use.", Kaldur sighed. "Conner's twenty-first birthday is only three months away. There is no way we can fix things between him and M'gann in time."

Robin hopped up, clinking himself to get their attention. "Don't give up hope just yet! A lot can happen in three months!" "He's right,", Zatanna said. "There's still time for them to fall back in love. Anything can happen. We just have to keep up our faith, and come up with a battle plan." She thought for a moment. "For starters, we have to get Megan out of her room."
M'gann had been lying on her bed, not sleeping, not doing anything, just staring at her wall, for who knows how long, when there was a knock at the door. She sat up, thinking it was Conner again. "I told you to go away!" "Its not Conner! Its me!" M'gann got off her bed. "Wally?" "And Artemis!" She smiled hearing the voice of her Earth sister.

She went to open the door when she stopped, remembering something. "What have you guys been turned into?" "A candlestick.", Wally sighed. "And a feather duster.", Artemis added bitterly. The door slid open at M'gann's command, at she looked down to see that it was indeed true. "Why are you here?"

Artemis floated to sit upon her shoulder. "We thought you might want something to eat." M'gann's brow furrowed. "But I heard Conner say that if I don't eat with him, than I don't eat at all." "Aw, Conner says a lot of things!", Wally scoffed. "Doesn't mean we listen."

M'gann rubbed one of her arms. "I am a little hungry." The flames on Wally's candles glowed brighter. "Great! Right this way, m'lady!"
"I don't know about this, Wally!", Kaldur said, as the others around him got busy preparing to serve M'gann. "If Conner finds out we went behind his back, he'll blame me for the whole thing!" "Ah, you worry too much, Kal!", Wally said, shaking off his warnings. "Conner's not gonna find out! He's always brooding in his room! What he don't know won't kill him!"

M'gann sat alone in the dining room, waiting for her supper, when all of the sudden, Wally burst into the room in a grand entrance. He led a parade of delicious, rich foods, lining them up one-by-one so that she could sample one of each.  Then, he and the others showed off a display of fancy dancing and extraordinary theatrics to entertain her as she consumed her meal.  By the end of it all, M'gann was clapping and cheering, "Bravo!  Bravo!"

"That was wonderful!", she praised as the clock struck eight.  It was bedtime for everyone.  Wally and Kaldur offered to escort M'gann back to her bedroom.  "It is indeed a pleasure to have you home with us, M'gann.", Kaldur said as he led her down the hall.  She forced a smile.  She was glad he was glad that she was back, but this Cave wasn't her home anymore, and it never would be again.

Wally smiled.  "You should explore this place tomorrow!  We've done a lot of some renovating since you left!  There's all sorts of interesting new stuff in every room!"  M'gann looked down the other direction of the hall, with a curious look on her face.  "What's in Conner's room?"

Her question made the two friends jump.  "N-N-N-Nothing!", Wally insisted.  "At least, nothing you'd be interested in!  It-Its really boring in there!"  Kaldur dismissed her intrigue with a wave of his wooden hand as they came in front of M'gann's bedroom door.  "Never mind that room.  To bed with you."  M'gann smiled as she opened the door and stepped inside.  "Goodnight, than.", she said as the door swished shut behind her.

Wally wiped some dripping melted candlewax from his head. "Phew! That was a close call! We can't let her go into Supey's room! The results would disastrous!" "M'gann always was too curious for her own good.", Kaldur said, shaking his head as they walked down the hall towards their own quarters.

A minute after they were out of sight, M'gann's door swished open once more. She leaned out of the doorway and looked both ways, making sure no one else was around. Then, she gently hovered herself a few inches off the ground and silently floated towards the opposite end of the hall—towards Conner's bedroom.

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