Wolfe's Plan

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The clock tower standing tall in the heart of Markshev tolled midnight. With not a star in the sky, the moon itself was the only source of illumination in the darkness that cloaked the small village. Every man, woman and child had settled in for the night, and now lay fast asleep in their beds. All but three.

The tavern was closed for the night, it's doors and windows all locked, but the inside was still lit, indicating that something—or someone—was still there. If you managed to pick the locks and step into the pub, you would see Wolfe and Lampwick sitting at one of the booths with a creepy old man.

"Mr. Jaques, so pleased that you could join us." The man put down his mug of beer and glared at them. "I do not like leaving the asylum in the hands of someone else at any time, let alone in the middle of the night.", he said coldly. "I hope you have something that will make it worth my time." Wolfe reached into his hunting jacket and tossed a bunch of hundred dollar bills at the man. Mr. Jaques picked it up and leafed through the papers, a satisfied smile crawling onto his face. "I'm listening."

"Okay, so here's the deal.", Wolfe began, leaning towards him across the table. "You know Megan Morse, the woodcutter's adopted daughter?" Jaques nodded slowly. "Yes, yes, charming girl, quite a beauty. Spends too much time in her own little world if you ask me. What about her?" "The thing is, I've got my heart set on marrying her.", Wolfe explained. "But my bride requires...persuasion."

"Turned him down flat as a pancake!", Lampwick added with a hee-haw. That got him a hard smack on the back of his head, slamming his nose into the rim of his mug. Mr. Jaques raised an eyebrow. "I see. So, what exactly do you need me for?" "I'm here about her dear daddy.", Wolfe said. "He barged in here tonight, going absolutely nuts. He was raving about a hideous beast, and how Megan's being held prisoner by him."

Mr. Jaques shook his head. "Can't say I'm surprised. Geppetto's always been a bit on the eccentric side. Seems only yesterday he was telling everyone that his son used to be a wooden puppet." Wolfe grinned maliciously. "Eccentric or not, everyone knows Megan just loves her dear old dad to pieces. And I'm willing to bet that she'd do just about anything to keep him from being locked up. And that's where you come in."

Jaques stroked his chin, deep in thought. "I see. So what I'm hearing is, you want me to admit Geppetto into my insane asylum unless Megan agrees to marry you?" He closed his eyes. "That, is the most dastardly, most despicable, low-down, dirty deed I have ever heard of." His eyes opened, and his mouth twisted into a fiendish grin. "I love it!"
Pinocchio watched as his father gathered all of his essentials. "If no one will help me, than I'll go back and rescue her myself!" Pinocchio pulled on his hunting jacket, looking up with sad eyes. "Papa, please! Let me go this time!" "Oh, no, Pinocchio!", Jiminy Cricket said frantically. "Its too dangerous!" "I don't care!", Pinocchio cried. "Megan's my big sister!"

"C'mon, son!", Geppetto said, leading his son by the hand out the door. "We'll find that cave, and somehow, we'll get her out of there!" "Be safe!", Jiminy cried as the door slammed shut behind them. He stood by the window and watched them march towards the forest, keeping his eyes on them until their shapes disappeared into the shadows. Seconds after they were gone, Jiminy saw a horse-drawn cart emerge from the fog.

"What in the world..." He looked closer to see Wolfe and Lampwick were driving the cart right towards their house. "What are they doing?", Jiminy thought aloud as they pulled up right in front. Wolfe and Lampwick hopped right off and bounded up the front steps. Wolfe banged on the door. "Geppetto! Megan! Pinocchio?" Lampwick said something to him, then Wolfe shouted at his little brother before picking him and thrusting him into the snow.

"Wait here until they come back!", Wolfe ordered, climbing back onto the cart. "And don't move until they do! When they return, we'll be ready for them!" He whipped the reins, and the horses whinnied as they trotted away. Jiminy felt a pit form in the bottom of his stomach. He didn't know what Wolfe was plotting, but any plan of his could never be of any good.

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