Kill the Beast

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M'gann held onto the horse's mane tight as it galloped through the trees. "Papa! Pinocchio! Where are you?!" She heard a soft moan from not too far away. She turned around and gasped. There they were, Pinocchio huddled on top of their father, who was lying facedown in the snow.

M'gann trotted over and placed them on the horse's back using her telekinesis. Then she mounted the horse as well and steered it towards home.
"Papa?" Geppetto groaned as he opened his eyes groggily. "Megan?" His vision cleared to see his darling daughter smiling down at him. "Is that really you?" "Yes, Papa.", she said softly, holding warm, moist dishrag to his forehead. "Its me. I'm here."

A much-needed smile came onto Geppetto's wrinkled face. "Megan! My darling!" Pinocchio sat up in his own bed, grinning madly. "Megan! You're home! You're home!", he cried, getting to his feet and jumping up and down on his bed. He did a great big jump off the bed right into M'gann's awaiting arms. She beamed as she hugged him tight. "I missed you both so much!"

"We were afraid we'd never see you again!", Geppetto said in amazement, sitting up in bed. "How did you ever escape from the cave?!" "I didn't.", she said, setting Pinocchio on the ground. "Conner let me go." Geppetto's bushy white eyebrows knitted together. "Conner?" Just then, M'gann remembered that they didn't know his real name. They had no way of knowing how close she had become to the so-called "monster" Geppetto had first met.

"I mean, the beast.", she explained. "He released me from my promise and set me free." Pinocchio blinked twice. "He did?" "Yes.", she said in a sweet tone to her little brother. "He's actually very kind and thoughtful." "That horrible creature?,", Geppetto exclaimed. M'gann could detect the skepticism in his voice. "He's got a good heart, Papa.", she said. "He just needed someone to bring it out."

Just then, she heard a rattle from inside her knapsack, where she placed her magic mirror. She could see something squirming inside, like it was trying to get out. Slowly and cautiously, she approached the bag, slung over a chair, and gingerly lifted the flap. Out tumbled the magic mirror from Conner—and little teacup Robin.

"Robin! You lil' stowaway!" Robin hopped up onto Geppetto's bed to greet the old man. "Hi! Its me!" Geppetto chuckled as he scooped up the former sidekick in his hand. "Well, hello again, lil' fella!" Pinocchio grinned seeing the animated teacup, and immediately introduced himself. "Hi! My name's Pinocchio! What's yours?" "Just call me Robin!"

"Robin, what are you doing here?", M'gann asked, sitting on the edge of her father's bed. Robin looked at her with a sad expression on his little painted face. "Why did you leave us, M'gann? Don't you like us anymore?" M'gann suddenly got very sad, realizing that she had left him and all the others behind without an explanation. "Its nothing like that, Robin. Its just that—" Her thoughts were cut off by a knock at the door.

She went to answer it, and found Mr. Jaques standing behind. His sinister smile sent chills up and down her spine, and not the good kind. "Hello? I didn't expect you to pay a visit here.", she said. "And so late at night, too. Is there anything I can get you?" "Yes.", he said slowly. "Yes, there is. You can fetch me your father." M'gann was confused. "My father? What do you want with him?"

"Oh, don't worry, my girl.", Mr. Jaques said. "I promise I'll take good care of him." He stepped aside, and M'gann could see the entire town gathered before her house. Smack in the middle if the crowd was a covered wagon with an advertisement on the side—Mousier Jaques's House of Loons. M'gann flung the door open all the way and stood defiantly before the keeper. "My father is not a loon!"

"Yes, he did!", Lampwick said, stomping up the steps towards her. "A few days ago, he came into the tavern, raving like a lunatic about some beast keeping you locked up in a cave!" He turned towards the masses. "We all heard him!" A cry of agreement rose up. M'gann gasped. "Wait, let me explain—" Just then, Geppetto stepped outside, Pinocchio only a few steps behind him. "Megan? What's going on out here?"

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