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I see three people running towards me, I can't make out their faces because my vision is blurred. I hear them screaming my name. I think one of them is Veronica, I can't make out the other two.

Veronica and a guy's face I can't see, kneel down next to me as I hold my bleeding leg. The other, girl, I think, holds her hands over her mouth in shock looking at me. I can't imagine how I look right now.

"Someone, call the police!" The guy yells. I think it's Jughead, but now I can't really see any details, just colors.

Something takes over me after I hear what they say, "NO!" I yell.

"Do-ont call the p-police." I say my whole body shaking including my teeth.

"Cheryl, yes we are. Betty call them." Veronica commands as she tries to stop my leg from bleeding.

I reply, "Y-you can-nt. I'll g-go to j-j-ail. I st-t-art-ed the f-fire."

Veronica was taken a back. "That doesn't matter." Veronica says reluctantly.

Jughead starts moving as they discuss something, but I can't hear. There is a loud ringing and my eyes keep fluttering trying to stay open. I feel something go over my shoulders making me a little warmer, and something soft go on my head and ears.

As I shiver, someone picks me up and takes off my soaking wet shoes and socks. I then feel something go around my legs making me warmer.

The next minutes I can barely tell what's happening all I see are shapes and people are moving me places and I'm scared.

I feel people set me on something hard and I start rolling. I then am rolled in to somewhere really bright and I still can't hear anything. I think I'm in the hospital.

I give up trying to keep my eyes open. I eventually close them and everything goes black.

It seems like I wake up right after, but I know I fell asleep, and have been sleeping for a while. My eyes flutter open and my vision is blurry. I rub my eyes and I then can see everything in the place I'm in.

I am in a hospital room on the hospital bed, hooked up to a bunch of cords connecting to machines on my wrist, neck, and lots of other places. There is two cords coming from my nose to who knows where.

I try to sit up, but I get a headache. I look to my left and see a life monitor and a green light going in an up and down pattern.

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