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Just as I finish putting my hair in to my signature ponytail my alarm goes off to leave home and go to school.

I grab my backpack off of my bed and sling it over my shoulder. I walk down the stairs and my mom is sitting on her laptop.

"Bye mom." I mutter and I hear her yell as I walk out the door, "Bye sweetheart!"

I walk next door to pick up Archie and we make are way to school. I can tell Archie is in a jumpy weird mood. I mean we all are, especially him, because his dad just got shot.

"So do you know when you're dad is able to come home?" I ask trying to make this awkward walk to school less awkward.

"Should be next week or sooner or later, depending on how he's doing, but than he still has to stay in bed for a couple of days once he comes home." Archie replies shrugging but you can tell he is scared.

Don't blame him. I'm scared for Fred and he is not even my dad.

"But the doctors said he would be fine, so I'm trying to be calm and not worry that there is a potential murderer in Riverdale." Archie adds his jaw clenching.

I nod awkwardly and suddenly I became scared for my own safety. Archie's right. A monster is out there, who didn't think twice about shooting Fred. Who knows what else he won't think twice about?

Archie still continues talking and I'm grateful, because I think if I open my mouth my words will come out a nervous word jumble.

"I'm supposed to talk to Sheriff Keller on what happened at Pop's that night sometime today. Hopefully not during school." He explains.

I manage to get out a question, "What did happen, Arch?"

The question looks like it's taking a toll on him and I instantly regret asking, but I can't help my curiosity.

He isn't replying, but instead he's in deep thought not focusing. I awkwardly keep walking next to him in hopes he'll say something,

As we approach an intersection I stop before the street expecting Archie to stop too, but he doesn't.

Suddenly, he starts to walk into traffic and luckily he is still close enough to the sidewalk, so my mimd takes over my body and I put my hand out in front of him and pull him back to the sidewalk and back into reality.

He looks alarmed as I yell, "What the hell Archie?!"

"Shit! Sorry, Betty. I wasn't thinking." He exclaims.

"It's fine. Just don't do that again." I say nervously.


The bell finally rings and I'm released from this Hell hole.

As I almost book it out of class, Ms. Morgan stops me, "Wait Betty."

I groan silently and walk backwards to her desk to see what she has to say.

"Yes?" I ask trying not to sound annoyed.

"I hate to ask this, but can you deliver the book we're reading in class to Cheryl Blossom? I heard she's in the hospital, and it's very important she finishes the book." She asks and I almost scream.

I really do not like Cheryl.

I pull myself together quickly and mutter, "Of course." as Ms. Morgan hands me, 'The Art of War'

"Thank you, Betty. Have a good night." Ms. Morgan states in her annoying tone.

I now and run out of the door furious, and try to make it out of the school doors but not before Veronica stops me, "Hey what's up, you good?"

"Ms. Morgan is making me deliver this book to Cheryl." I groan and Veronica furrows her eyebrows, "Why are you so mad about that?"

"Cheryl is really getting on my nerves lately. Actually, no, she has been getting on my nerves since I met her." I almost yell, and I can tell Veronica is confused and concerned, because I'm never usually this angry.

"Are you sure that's not the only reason, Betty?" Veronica asks in her beautiful 'I know you're lying' tone.

Veronica knows me too well.

I sigh giving in to telling her, "It's just, Jughead and me have not really talked since he joined the Serpents, and last night I know was stressful and scary for Cheryl, it's j- just, he seemed to care a lot about her and not really about me."

I hurry and realize how that's sound, "Oh, that sounds so selfish. I-"

Veronica nods understandingly and cuts me off, "Betty, I get it, but I think we're just all in a difficult place right now, and Jughead just isn't one of those people who knows how to handle things very well. Also, last night we all didn't really talk to each other. We were just focused on finding Cheryl and making sure Archie's dad was okay."

She's right.

"I know, but didn't you think Jughead just was a little hooked on finding her last night. I mean, we all were, but he seemed like-like he was gonna be the one to die if we didn't find her." I reply and Veronica thinks for a moment and for once she knows I'm right.

Veronica doesn't say a word, and this time she knows I'm right.

"I gotta go, I guess, take this to Cheryl." I say holding up the book Ms. Morgan gave me.

I start to walk away, but I turn around.

"Thank you, V."

I walk towards her, dodging a few people, and hug her out of surprise. We're still hugging as she asks, "Why?"

"For helping me realize I need to be less hard on Cheryl, and just for being you." I let out and I can feel her smile on my shoulder.

"Of course."

We release the hug and I walk out of the school and decide to walk to the hospital not even caring that I'm forgetting my backpack in my locker.


This is more of a filler chapter, and doesn't have a lot to do with the story, but to show some friendships. Sorry its not the best chapter, but at least I posted one!


Also, I kinda wanna make a ship endgame in this story, but I don't know if you want them together, but I sure do, so I need your help, because I want you guys to choose which ship that will be endgame out of the 2 below... so please comment! Also how do you feel about the new title and cover?


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