Chapter 1: A new girl in town ?

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(A/n) : Hi. Welcome to my first Fanfiction. I hope you will enjoy it. Btw you will first seem like a human but you and I both know already by the title, that this isn't even half of the truth. Anyway, let's get started.


It was a dark and stormy day. Normally nobody would enjoy such a weather, but Black Hat was not anybody. He was the owner of the Black Hat inc. and a demon for crying out loud.
He just finished another ad for his cataloge and was now staring out of the window. He just relaxed in his seat when something catched his attention.
Since he and all his miniouns live in a big, tophat-like mansion on a hill he could see almost the entire city, but he already saw something really interesting not far from the villa itself.
Most of the Houses near his Mansion were abandonned, because nobody even dared to be a near of a Super villain. Hell, even his own scientist, Dr. Flug, was often scared of his own boss. And who could blame him ? Black Hat could kill him faster than anybody could even blink ! But back to the main point.
As said, nobody really lived near the mansion, nobody, unless of... a girl. She seemed to have bought the small house right next to the mansion.
She just stepped out of the Truck with the very, VERY scared driver, who helped her with the 5-6 boxes, which were in his car and as soon as the last box hit the ground he ran to the driverside, jumped in and drove away like his life would depend on it. The Girl was left there, confused, with the money still in her hand.
After a few seconds she just shrugged and began moving one box after the other in her new home.

(Y/N)'s Pov :
'Well, that could have gotten worse', she said to herself while trying to put the boxes in the right roomes. 'I mean, I know what they said about this neighborhood, but that even the driver ran away without the money kinda gives me the chills', she thought while stepping out ouf the house to get another box, only to be surprised by another storm.
Thank God, tho, that this was her last box, which she got very fast and just when she was about to step in the House she saw a figure watching her from the big mansion. She, being nice and having manners tho, smiled and winked while she felt the first raindrops on her skin. She ran into the house, with the focus back on her finally own new Home. She got in the bathroom and showered unaware in which Neighborhood she got herself into.


(A/n) : So, what do you think ? Not bad for a first chapter, right ? Tell me in the comments... and have a nice Day !

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