Chapter 5 : Purpose or Accident ?

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3rd Person Pov :

When you came to work the next day, you were greeted with Demencia running around with a bubblegum machine?! Black Hat and Flug were following her, but she was somehow faster...
When she saw you she laughed even more, since an idea came to her mind.
She dropped the machine and all of those small little balls were rolling all around your feet. You didn't understood anything and as funny as it sounds the others also had no clue on what just happened. You tried to move foward, but stumbled over the bubblegum, tripped, fell....
but never hit the ground. At least not alone....
Black Hat teleported to you to catch you, accidently tripped too and so you both fell on the ground, while your lips met.
Yes you heard that right.
You and Black Hat k-i-s-s-e-d.
Your eyes widened and you both looked each other in the eyes and after 10 seconds you pulled away stood up and blushed like crazy, repeating the words 'Sorry', more than anybody could count.
Black Hat tho, just smirked got up and yelled everybody to get back to work.
After Flug and Demencia both cringed and got back inside, you finally found your voice again and said to Black Hat :
I'm unbelievable sorry for this, sir.... I didn't mean to-'
Before you could mumble anything else you got cut of by another kiss this time on purpose from Balck Hat. He pulled away this time, grinned and said : 'It's fine, my dear.'
And now you were again spechless.

Time skip because you were just normally working.

You tried to avoid Black Hat for the rest of the day.
Why you ask?
Because he was a demon. Not only weren't you even suppose to kiss a human, but a freaking demon!!!!
You were pretty sure, if anybody would find out, you would be bannished from this dimension for all enternity.
Yet, that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was, that you liked. No, you freaking LOVED it.
Eventhough you would normally do nothing against the rules and now, this one time ... and you loved it.
Sure he was hot and yes, a little sexy, too, but... it just wouldn't work out, would it ?
Even if you won't get were pretty sure, that IF he even sees your wings he would never want to see you again.
With all this in your mind you didn't realize, that the man himself was standing right next to you.
When you finally recognized him you immideatly tried to get away, but he was faster, got your arm and pulled you back with you facing him.
'(Y/n), what's wrong ? You've been very silent today. Is it because of todays "accident"?'
You now looked at him angry and sad.
'We both know that at least one of those wasn't an accident and to your other question, yes I have been trying to avoid you, because this ... should have..... never happened !', you said the last part under tears, pushed him out of the way said a silent 'I'm sorry.' and ran to your home, to cry for a while.

Black Hat's Pov :
Ok, what in all bloody hell ?
What is this girl hiding from me ? "This should have never happened...", was, what she said, yet she was clearly enjoying it and blushed, after we kissed. I sat in my office thinking, while Flug tried to explain something to me. I couldn't hear him, tho and who cares right now ? All I wanted, was to know, what (Y/n) has in her mind.
'S-sir?', asked Flug, 'Do you think about (Y/n) ?'
I looked at him angrily.
'Since when do you care?', I asked in a deep voice.
Surprisingly he didn't seem to be much scared about this.
'Sir, d-due to all respect, if you want to k-know more, maybe you should just a-ask her herself. You do know where she lives, correct ?'
I blinked, then screamed with a a scary, jumpscare-face : 'Out!'
and seconds later I was again alone and even if I hate to admit it, that worm might be right. I could at least try.

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