Chapter 6 : Is that an apology ?

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3rd Person Pov :
You were still sitting on your couch and sobbed a little.
You really did liked Black Hat, but ... would he accept you as, how you really are ?
Suddenly someone knocked at the door. Before you could thought who it was, a familiar voice was heard : '(Y/n)... can I come in ?'
As soon as you answered Black Hat came in and his look changed from slightly angry to worry !
He sat beside you and asked if everything was alright.
You, tho, just looked away and nodded a little. He could see right through you tho, took your chin and turned your face to him.
'Why are you lying to me, my dear ? You look like you've cried.'
You sighed and looked him in the eyes.
'It's because if you would know my real me, I think you would stop speaking to me and I don't want this to happen !'
'What ? What makes you think that ? I am the one and only Black Hat and I would never judge anybody.
*Caugh* unless of corse a super hero *caugh, caugh*
You smiled at his silliness.
'You are stupid.'
'And you are being too mysterious.'
After 2 seconds of silence you both laughed.
'So can you tell me your secret ?'
'..... ok, but promise me you won't scream !'
'I won't.'
'Promise it!'
He then stood up with his left hand on his heart, his right hand in the air and said :
'I, Black Hat, promise to you to not scream! There happy now ?'
'Ok.......... my secret is, that I am an........'


You were both surprised, from the sudden crash,turned to it's diredtion to see, the window broken, jumped of the couch and looked out, only to see Black Hat's miniouns scared in the middle of millions of soldiers.
'Stay here!', Black Hat ordered, 'It's too dangerous for you.'
He jumped out of the window and asked in an angry voice one of the generals, what just happened.
The General only answered coldly :
'And I suppose you are their leader, Black hat, correct ?
Well we have order to execute you and your pests of miniouns.'
Speaking of them, they all gulped as the soldiers loaded their guns.
'Let them be !', you screamed, as everybody looked at you in surprise.
After a short pause the General asked the commander :
'Commander, what were we allowed to do to civilians?'
'Sir..., she is just...'
The commander gulped and finally scream-said :
'Sir, we were allowed to shoot anybody, who would try to stop us, sir !'
With these words the General took a gun out and shot before even Black Hat could react.

He shot right in your heart, which stopped immediatly
(only for a while, cause you can't die, but still)
and you flew back and hit the first wall behind you. After that you layed there.
Knowing, that you needed to regenerate, but were surprised by the reactions you got.
'NOOO', screamed Black Hat, immideatly turned around and punched into a soldiers chest to rip out his entire Heart.
He then transformed into something really terrifing and killed almost everyone in the split of a second.
The general and a few hundred man were still standing and shot immideatly at Black Hat's Miniouns.
Black Hat now reacted, by using all his powers to form a shield over them, which would keep away even magic.
But because of that, his guard fell and the general took the chance to get of the ground, take a gun and shot at Black hat, who know was kinda helpless.

(*Next part is in slowmotion*)

Black Hat looked in the direction of the bullet. He knew he would need to take this hit, since his shield wouldn't get up quickly enough. Should he get hit, tho, his concentration would break and the soldiers would kill Flug, Demencia and 505 in an instant. He took the risk and was ready for the pain, but not for you.
Meanwhile of all the stuff, that happened, you regenerated and were completely aware of the situation. You made your calculations and there was no other way, then to safe them all, by summoning your powers, which automatically include your wings. Yet you had no other choice.
You wanted to safe them, so you flew in front of Black Hat, summoned your own shield and were fast enough for the bullet to hit the shield. Now everybody was looking at the freaking Angel and you could feel their looks, too, but ignored them, turned the bullet by Hand in the direction of the general and let your shield down. The Bullet now flew to the General and hit him right in the Head. He died fast, with shock still on his face.

(*Now back to normal Speed*)

You, still in your fighting pose looked at the soldiers with a wild stare and said in a bonechilling voice :
'Go... Away.... Now !'
They, of corse, listened and ran away like small babys to their mommies.
After 10 minutes, you relaxed again, turned around and faced a completely frozen Black Hat. He just looked at you shocked and in the same pose.
The others, too, were still frozen and you wondered if they would ever speak again.
After time passed, surprisingly Flug was the first to speak :
' So, now we have a demon AND an angel. That's something I suppose.'

(Y/n) Pov :

I innerly thanked him for saying something, since now the others seemed to wake up, too.
Demencia asked me a thousand Questions, like are you on the Superhero's side ? Do you really come from heaven? and so on.
I answered in quick "no's" or "yes's".
Then after a time Black Hat began to speak : 'So....... , was that, what you wanted ........... to tell me ?'
I looked at him with sad eyes and then nodded slightly.
'Well, I promised not to scream...'
Oh god here we go. I was ready for him to completely go nuts, but he...... smiled.... Not this evil smirk, but a sweet, simple smile.
'and it's nice to finally have someone not so weak in this neighborhood and it's fine because you might be useful to me, too.'
I sighed happily.
So, did that mean, that I could finally be myself ?
That was at least,what I hoped.

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