Chapter 12 : Dream dancer

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A/n : Sorry about the looong delay.. I just needed a pause from social media... Anyway.. Let's begin shall we ?

3rd person PoV :
After a short while Black Hat finally made up his mind : He would take this opportunity to dance with you.
Who cared if he was a demon, right ?
He wanted to dance and only with you !
So he told Demencia, that if she won't go away now, she is not allowed to pick on Flug for 1 month..
Her, being Demencia, ran off as fast as possible.

After her being finally away, Black Hat looked up only to be surprised by you, who didn't seem to have noticed anything.
Black Hat changed quickly with his fancy demon powers and got his demon wings :

Black Hat changed quickly with his fancy demon powers and got his demon wings :

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He didn't needed them so he never got them out... up until today it seems.
After a moment of silence he flew up only to hesitate. He forgot that demons weren't made to stand on clouds. He innerly facepalmed, for not thinking this through and while Black Hat tried to think how he would solve this you FINALLY noticed him, stopped dancing and called out to him :
"Black Hat ! So you do have wings !"
Black Hat being Black Hat answered in his sarcastic well known voice :
"Of corse I do ! I'm an all powerful demon ! I just never needed them here !"
"Oh.. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be rude..", you answered shyly.
"NO ! I got them out to dance with you. The only thing about it is, that I wasn't... I can't.....", exclaimed Black Hat.
You reached out to him.

"Let's at least try !"

He hesitated, but finally took your hand. As he landed on the clouds. He was overall shocked :


But before he could think about it you took his other hand and asked which genre you would dance to.
"Well," Black Hat started, "I think (Favorite Genre) would be a good idea."
That's all he said before towering over you, with his grin.
You smiled back and you started dancing.
It was amazing to say the least. Most of the time Black Hat dominated, but you were fine with it.

You just loved looking into his eyes and he loved looking back. Both of your pairs were filled with pure love.

After a while of not saying anything Black Hat started asking a rather sad question :
"(Y/n), do you think I'm wrong", he asked while still dancing before making a quick move to the side.
"What makes you say that ? I love you and you are as right as anyone could be !"
"Do you think, that just because you are a demon and I'm an angel, I think that I'm above you ? Because that, my dear, I can assure you, is not true. Not at all and you should know this !"
"That's not it !"
"Then tell me what is ?"
"Ugh, we both know, that this love is forbidden. Our ancestors would bann us for all enternity by even touching each other gently...", he said, before making you do a pirouette.
Black Hat know looked sad and went on, finally letting all his feelings and thoughts out he held back for so long :
"I mean, I don't care about others. Trust me I don't, but.. I admit even I..... am scared. Scared that the other demons will hurt you or get you away from me or worse. I simply want you to be safe, (Y/n)."

You didn't said anything and stopped dancing.

Finally Black Hat looked at you and you looked at him deeply, leaning forward and kissed him.

After seconds, that felt too short for both of you, you pulled away and answered with small tears forming in your eyes :

"My dear Black Hat, always remember this : I love you and nothing in all us-known universes will ever make me think something else. Even if they hurt me or kill me, always know, that I'm not going to change my mind and I will always come back for you. Please always remember this, ok ?"

Black Hat finally smiled, under tears and hugged you. You hugged back.
Never could he be so honest to someone, never did he trusted somebody, well until you came to his life.
After a few minutes he released you and kissed you.
In this moment, time stood still and the heart of the most violent villain finally melted.
It melted, because he finally found someone he could trust as much as himself.
It melted because he knew he was finally safe from his own darkness and lonelines.
It melted, because he finally knew what the word love meant.

He simply loved you and you loved him.

That night on those clouds you promised him one thing : You promised him to always love him and you didn't lie, because you see, dear reader, an angel's love is for all enternity.

But the Chapter doesn't end here, oh no. There is still one thing left to say :

Next to Black Hat's mansion was a deep and very dark forest. In that forest stood a dark figure looking onto clouds and their dancers. He was filled with pure Hate.
'How dare her. How dare that filthy creature steal the cruelest demon's heart ?', the figure thought, hidden from everyone except the silence and the void, that filled his heart.

The creature turned around and walked back into the forest muttering a final curse :
"May the whole kingdom of Heaven go up in flames if I let this love bloom."
Those words.. they were strong.
They were full of hate.
Full of hate towards the creature we know as the Angel of this Story.
Why you ask ? Because sometimes not even the best secret stays hidden forever. Too bad, that this figure would hold the key to the Future of those two, but let's be quiet for now, shall we ? After all we wouldn't want to ruin the still perfect night for the two lovebirds on the cloud, would we ?
After all, they don't know, what we know, YET.

(A/n) : Phew... 1000+ words. I hope that's enough for you guys... again, so sorry for the delay. Anyway back to the story...
OOOOOHHH I smell an upcoming drama !!!! Do you all know what  that means ? Correct : More fighting scenes... YESSS!!
(I always love those...)
Oh and doncha' worry : The next Chapter is in progress already...
It's going to be short, but not THAT short, soooo yeah.
Buh-bye and thanks for reading..

Spoiler : the next chapter will be lemon......sorryyy.. ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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