Chapter 8 : Why him ?

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3rd person Pov :

Just when you wanted to say something, you got cut off, by him : 'You blush very much for just a kiss..'
'H-hey', was all you got out.
At that moment your phone ringed and you jumped and struggled, by the attempt to get it out of your pocket.
Black Hat failed miserably at trying to hold back a laugh at your clumsyness.
At last you got your phone and answered with a short : 'Yeah?'
'Hey sis !', was, what you heard somebody scream at the other end.
'Hi Daren. You really need to stop screaming my ears off!', you laughed.
'Yeah... or not. Anyway, wanted to tell ya, that I won't be available for the next hours... gotta fight a.....' *beep,beep*
damn, your batterie was low.
'Uh, who ? Nevermind.. tell me later... Bye and good luck.'
Well that was... something.
'Who was that ?'
'Daren, my Brother, anyway, I, uh,  need to finally get my home done in order to find at least something in the chaos...'
'Can I help you?', questioned Black Hat, when he had this unreadable exprssion.
'No, I'll be fine, you just keep focusing on your eeeevil plans, ok?', you said, joking.
'Ok, then GET OUTTA HERE ! *ahem*, please.'
'Still a gentleman ! Well, See you around.'
'Heh, yeah.'

Black Hat's Pov :

My evil plans ? Oh right. I wanted to destroy the next Oh-so-goody-goody-douchebag-hero, who came to MY city a few hours ago and was now searching for me in order to 'fight me'....
Ha! Idiot, doesn't he now, with who he is messing with ? Oh well, he will after our ... lil' dance.
Now where is my scientist? I need to know, more about that powers of (Y/n), as well, as the time this hero plans to arri-

I got cut off by a bang right next to me. Next to a broken wall stood a hero, completly in white, with "ALL the extras", cape all inclusive...
'How original', was all I said,
'is coming through the door really too retired already ?'
'Yes... , but kicking your ass isn't.'
Then he tried to punch me in the face, I dodged and slapped him down, he got up and flew around the room, while trying to blast me.
Then Flug came in.
'Is everything Ok- AHHH!'
Then HE nearly got shot...
'Shall I get a ray, sir ?'
'No... I think I might finish this COWARD... MYSELF', I said in a demonic voice.
Flug crinched and waited in the door.
Now the "Hero" looked shocked and tried to zip-zap me with laser-eyes.. Oooh that one ... Neeeever saw that before.
I only could role my eyes. I would give him 1 more chance to show me he deserved to stay alive, yet I got faster dissapointed, than by Flug's Anti-gravity-ray... or device.
He now tried to froze me.
That's it. I am done. Does every stupid human think something like : "Oooh, I got a fancy laser eye and blaster, let's safe the world...."
I sighed in fury.
Fuc* it. I am gonna tear this piece of trash apart.
Then I jumped to him, kicked him down and landed.
He then tried to stand up, while I turned my fingers into claws and bashed them through his stomach, while hearing an earpiercing scream and the word 'NOOOO' from behind me.
First I thought it was Flug, but as I turned around I froze in shock...
It was (Y/n). She got hold back by Flug. They both seemed to have witnessed every part.
Oh bloody hell.

But I killed those soldiers a few days ago and she didn't seem to mind that. Why was it something diffrent, now ?

'....s-is...', the hero got out, while looking at her and coughing blood. I immideatly let go, as well as Flug did with (Y/n).
The Hero-Guy landed on the floor with his knees and (Y/n) ran to him and knealed down, failing to hold back tears.
she cried out.
Now I felt really bad for killing that guy.
'...heh...*cough,cough*.... you know me.... hehe...'
'No... Please, you gotta stay... please I .... I .... will.... heal you ok?! I can... I can..... PLEASE DON'T DIE !'
'....No... It's.......fine. Please... dont.... waste.... your powers on me......  that'd be...... worthle-*cough, cough*...less.. just.... promise me .... that you...  forgive......*coughing intensifies even further* *his breath slowers* '
'No... dont....'
*Daren stops moving and after 10 seconds stops breathing*
'Daren ?'
I only stared. Oh god.... what did I do ? .... I am... a... monster.
'(Y/n) ?'


She slapped me all across my face and screamed :
'How could you .... HOW COULD YOU KILL MY ONLY LIVING FAMILY I HAD LEFT? You didn't know, yeah, but why kill him anyway ? I thought you were a nice guy ... at least on the inside... BUT NOW I SEE, THAT  ALL OF YOU ARE THE SAME.'

'B-boss wait...', came from Flug, but it was too late.
In the same moment everybody, including me gasped and I innerly cursed myself and looked at (Y/n).
She had pure shock, terror and sadness in her eyes.
It was quiet.
After two more minutes I broke the silence.
'(Y/n) ...I am ... so sorry, I don't know, what came over me-'
'If you wanted me to leave.... you could have said so earlier.'
And with the these words she stormed out of the room. Probably to her home.
Why? Why in all bloody hell, couldn't I just let her scream at me? Why do I always hurt people so much?
I went in silence to my room, leaving Flug with the duty to clean the room and then collapsed on my bed just to scream in the pillow.
WHY DID IT HAD TO BE HER BROTHER, I KILLED TODAY? I always ruin the love, but this time I completly knew, that I ripped out, destroyed or simply broke her heart in tiny little pieces. I knew, that NOTHING could ever fix, what I said to her today... what I done with her today.

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