Chapter 15: babe can we...

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You unwrap your feet from your sheets hoping to figure out the answer to your stupid math equation

You knew you shouldn't be laying in bed while doing homework but you needed a comfortable place to relax and focus in


You look up to see the most beautiful figure staring at you
You: hey

You let out in a whisper as you pushed yourself up

Justin: how's it going?

You shook your head looking down at the paper

You: frustrating

Your cheeks flushed as thinking of his question

Justin: you wanna take a break?

You look up to see Justin now walking to the end of the bed

You watched as he sat his hands far apart from each other on the board, letting his muscle flex softly

You: I can't I have to study

He nodded and looked down

Justin: come on

He looked up and nodded towards the door

You shook your head no matter how much you wanted to go, you couldn't pass up studying for the finals

Justin: please I've been waiting for a couple hours and just watched friends and you know I don't like watching that show unless your with me

You felt terrible looking at him, his beautiful eyes staring down at you begging

You: baby I know how much you want me out there but I can't skip studding for the finals

Justin: please baby??

You: tomorrow

Justin: you said that yesterday, and the day before please will you just come out there and watch one episode and that's it??

You knew once you left and watched one episode, that when the next one came on he will ask for you to stay for one more, which would be guilt tripping

You: baby I'm sorry plus look on the bright side tomorrow is Friday so once I'm back from school we can do whatever we want..ok?

Justin: ok

He walked over to you and ran his strong hands over your head moving your hair back

You closed your eyes enduring his clean presence

His lips kissed the top of your forehead making you jolt a little in surprise

You opened your eyes

Justin: just focus because I know how important it is to you

You smile

He continues to gaze but you needed him to leave because he was distracting you

You push his stomach

You: you got to go

He hesitated

You: babe I have to study

You laugh because he only let out a smile

You: baby please!!

He quickly bent down and kissed you

You gasped silently as he pulled away and started pushing all of your work onto the floor, his eyes focus on his plan

You kept quite and slowly and took off your shirt
You felt all the movement stop as you stared through your t-shirt to see Justin smiling

Justin Bieber Imagines 1//CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now