Chapter 26: cuddle with me!!!

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Justin: cuddle with me!!!

He whined

He's lying in bed holding on your waist as your grabbing the bed frame to pull yourself away before you piss yourself

You: Justin stop I really need to pee!!

Since he's holding your waist it's only making it worst

Justin: wet the bed I don't care just lay with me!!

You: after!!

Justin: no cause once your up and done you'll not want to lay with me

That is true cause I'll be already wide awake that I don't want to lay back down

You: please?!?! 


Justin: *sighs* fine but please hurry

His arms let go of you as you jump off the bed and run to the bathroom

You quickly went to the bathroom in relief and flushed the toliet

You walked out to see the bed empty


You washed your hands and dried them and walked  out toward the exit of the bedroom

You got to the door way to see Justin in his Calvin Klein black boxers crossing his arms with a smirk across his face

Justin: nope

He shook his head

You: uhhhhhhh

You then turn around knowing he wont let you out

You looked at the bed trying to figure out how to seduce him to let you out

Until you felt his inky arms wrap around your waist

Justin: are planning something?

You giggle at his adorable tone

You: no

He pulls away and swings his arms around your legs and back

You: Justin!!

He laughs and plops onto the bed laying you down and hovering over you

Justin: finally

He smiles and kissed you and licks your lips and pecks them once again

You bite his lower lip and he laughs and pulls himself away groaning at his pain

He leans back down and you let go of it and kiss him

Justin: *sighs with a smile* I fucking love you shawty

You grin

You: I fucking love you too

He lets out a big laugh and layed his head on your chest as you played with his hair

His hands ran up and down your side's and suddenly he shoved them under your back and down to your butt squeezing them

Justin: mmmm

His hands played with each cheek as you tried to hold in a laugh

You: your so weird

Justin: only for you

You push his hands away and drew your arms under his chest and under his arms to pull him up

You: help me

You say trying to pick up his weight

He laughs and sits up grabs your hands and wrap them around the back of his neck

He layed down, his face resting against your neck

You closed your eyes feeling his breathing increase once he began kissing your neck and sucking on it

You massage your fingers through his hair

You: thank you baby

Justin: mmhmmm

Suddenly you felt tired again and realized this was probably the best morning than any other 

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