If you want you could listen to *Christmas Eve* from Justin Bieber on his under the mistletoe album. Ok enjoy!
Justin: baby *whispering* good morning babe wake up, baby it's Christmas
You awoke to Justin's flawless voice as he stroked your hair hovering over you
Y/n: *mumbled* I don't want get up
Justin: hmm?
You hugged his bare skin toward you
Y/n: no I want to sleep with you
He leaned up
Justin: I guess you don't want to see Santa clause
Y/n: babe you are my Santa clause, because you bring me presents
You said as you drew your hands down his back
He smiled as he leaned to peck your lips
Justin: come on *whispering*
He picks you up as you laugh
He walks into the living room and sits you on the couch
You look over at the tree to see so many presents
You always told him you didn't want anything but you figured he wouldn't listen
Y/n: babe I told you not to get me anything
You cried
Justin: babe I spoil you for one reason
Y/n: why?
Justin: because your my princess
You look over at him he looked so adorable with that smile spread across his face
He got up and drew his hands out to you
You sat them in his as he pulled you up
You guys walked and sat by the tree as you did when you were little
Justin: ok here is this one
Handing you a big bag
You took the rapping paper and pulled out underwear and tops and bras
You saw it was all from Victoria Secret
Y/n: awww babe these are so cute
You said as he smiled
After both of you were done opening all your presents, Justin ran into the room to grab you something
He came back and sat next to you by the tree
Justin: here you go
handing you this small box that was smaller than your hand it was wrapped like a minie present, it was so adorable including with the miniature bow
You giggled and looked at Justin as he smiled waiting for you to open it
You unwrapped it to see a soft coated black box that looked like a box for a ring
You slowly opened it to see a beautiful ring carved with the first letter of your name and Justin's name sitting against each other filled with these small diamond looking jewels.
Y/n: oh my Bieber
You let out quietly
He let out a breathy laugh
Justin: do you like it?
You looked up at him looking down at his lips Seeing he was biting them which made you wonder what he was thinking.
Y/n: are you kidding I Love It!!
You said giving him a hug as you guys sat on your knees
You giggled as you both pulled away
Justin: it's our promise ring
Y/n: for what?
Justin: y/n I want you to promise me that we will be together forever baby
He took your hands in his
Y/n: yes, I promise, I promise Justin
You said as he pulled you into a hug
Justin: I love you so much baby, you are my everything, your my world
You felt him hold you tighter after every word
You pulled your head back a little felling his cheek rest on yours
He leaned his head down and pecked at your neck making you relax more than ever
He kissed his way up to your jaw line making his way toward your chin as you leaned your head up a little
He drew his hands up your back toward your head
You leaned your head down and pressed your lips hard against his making him smile
Justin: *mumbled* mhhh
You pulled away and stood up because you wanted to take him to the room
You both walked into the room as you pushed Justin onto the bed
(Reminds me of what do you mean?)
He smiled as you crawled onto him running your hands over his inky arms
He ran his big hands up your thighs, up your butt, up your back, to your hair.
You could feel his fingers twirl in between your hair pushing you closer to him.
Justin: ba-
Justin: by?
He said between every kiss
You stopped and ran your hands through his new short hair that grew after he cut all of it off.
He smiled
Justin: *singing* baby all I want
He quickly gets up and is now on top of you
Justin: *singing* for Christmas is..
You quickly kissed him and pulled away
Both of you: *singing* youuuuu!!! Youuuu baby!!
You both start laughing
Justin: Merry Christmas baby
Y/n: Merry Christmas
And you guys both share a good Christmas morning kiss
I hope all of you are having or had a great Christmas!!! Hope you liked this Christmas imagine!!

Justin Bieber Imagines 1//Completed
FanficThis book contains cute, dirty, and all of the above. I started this book 2 years ago (I'm pretty sure) and my writing has hopefully improved? go ahead and skip to the latest chapters cause I don't think you want to read rambling writing. Vote if yo...