Crush or not

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This morning I woke up to the sound of camera clicks and camera flashes so I snuggle my head farther into my pillow which I now know was a bad idea because it wasn't a pillow it was the one and only Ethan Wacker. Once they all leave I try to get up, but I can't because Ethan has his arm wrapped around my waist to tight and I don't want to wake him up because he looks cute sleeping wait... did I just say he looks cute sleeping. Do I have a crush on the ETHAN WACKER? I don't really know it has been 30 minutes and Ethan is still asleep. "Jake can you help me i'm stuck in Ethan's grip?" I ask Jake while he was walking down the stairs. "Ya, but you too would be cute together." Jake responded back to me. Jake wakes Ethan up and Ethan's grip on my waist loosens up. "I could've done that if I wanted to wake him up." I said to Jake. "Oh well he's already awake and Ethan your cousin has already left and thank you guys for giving me drama for the vlog." Jake said to Ethan and I. I get up and go to Erica's room to have some girl talk. I knocked on Erica's door and she said "Who is it and what do you want?" "Jaylen and I wanted to talk to you." I said to Erica. "It's open." Erica said. I walk into the room and I see Tessa and Erica. "You know how i asked you if you had a boyfriend in the car the other day you lied to me because you obviously have a boyfriend." Erica told me. "Who's my boyfriend because I think I would know if I had a boyfriend?" I asked Erica. "ETHAN!" Erica and Tessa shouted at the same time. "He's not my boyfriend." I said to the two girls that are acting like fan-girls. "That's what they all say." Tessa said. "You might want to say bye to your boyfriend because they are about to leave for set." Erica said. "Whatever I'm leaving this room before you guys put makeup on me and make me get dressed in a dress." I said to them as I read there minds. "THAT'S NOT THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE LEAVING THIS ROOM AND HOW DID YOU KNOW WE WERE GOING TO DO THAT?" They shouted. I left this room and saw Jake and Ethan about to walk out the door, but Jake shouted "HEY LOOK THERE'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND OVER THERE." Jake was vlogging all of this then all of a sudden Jake hands the camera to Kade who was standing right behind him. All of a sudden Erica and Tessa come out of Erica's room right as Jake started pushing Ethan towards me than Erica starts pushing me towards Ethan. They gave us one big push and I fall on top of Ethan and the fall made Ethan and I's lips accidentally touch. "Comment down below if there ship name should be #Ethlen or #Jethan." Jake said to his camera. I quickly got up and then I helped Ethan up after that little scene I looked down because I was blushing and Ethan did the same thing. "Awww ." The girls went. Once the guys left I got up and went to my room to get dressed I got dressed in (Outfit down below)   

After I got dressed I left the room and started to make me breakfast as I was making the eggs my phone kept buzzing in my pocket. I finished making breakfast so I brought it to the table and started to eat it. I checked my phone and I see I have been added to a group chat. 

Unknown-Weston who did you add this time

Unknown-Bob Ross :) :) 112333456457856436735434

Unknown-Weston can you not just be normal for once

Unknown-He doesn't know what that means

Unknown-Marihoe are u just going to let them say that about me

Unknown-ya no one cares

Unknown-wjdsbghfqkjrfbhjef coco chanel cares

me-what have I been added to

unknown-a group chat 

Ariel😍-what's ur name

Me-Jaylen Costell

Blake-are u dating Ethan

Wes10-no daughter of mine is going to be dating someone

Me-ttyl it's getting late and I have to go to set tomorrow

Loren-i love how she avoids blakes question

I got dressed in some pajamas (pajamas down below)

I just realized I have been talking to them the whole day I plugged in my phone and went to sleep

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I just realized I have been talking to them the whole day I plugged in my phone and went to sleep.

Being Erica Costell's Sister (Ethan Wacker) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now