Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


(Dominic's Bedroom------->)

My eyelids fluttered and I tried to open them but they felt so heavy, and I am so tired. I feel like I could sleep for the next month straight. But my mind had other ideas as it dragged me into consciousness. Finally, my eyes opened to a darkened room and my brows creased as my gaze adjusted to the dimness. This wasn't my room, and I shot up into a sitting position in the middle of the huge bed where I was sleeping just moments ago.

 Shaking off the dizziness that overtook me from moving so fast, my anxiety levels shot up, and it was getting ready to hurl itself out of the starter's gate when I heard the unmistakable sound of shuffling fabric. The sound was followed by a breathy groan. I leaned forward and focused my gritty gaze towards the area the noise generated from. And there in the corner, Dominic's large frame was folded into the reclining chair by the curtained window. He was fast asleep and I knew his spine was going to protest from the angle in which he was presently pretzeled into.

The vivid images of yesterday's events came rushing back to me, and I wanted to just curl up and die with mortification and self disgust. I despaired about the fact that after all these years that asshole still had the ability to drive me into an emotional upheaval. I needed to be stronger than this. I needed to man up and stop cowering and hiding my filthy little secret. This shit was hindering my life, and not just mine, but Dominic’s life as well.

I can't even count the times that gorgeous big man, my knight in shining armor has ridden to my rescue. Picking at the satin comforter that was wrapped around my slender body, I studied his sleep flushed figure. He was absolutely perfect.  A magnificent chiseled Adonis come to life.

All my life I had entertained fantasies of him making me his, and that dream shattered and wilted the day Corey stole my innocence and left me broken and bloody on that damp concrete floor. The bastard laughed as he zipped up and told me I was a good fuck for a fag and he just might be tempted to do it again. His evil chuckle still resounded in my brain as he was strutted off never knowing he ruined everything for me that day.

My skin felt tight and a cold sweat broke over the surface of my flesh. I felt dirty all over again and as quietly as I could manage it, I scooted of the gigantic bed. The plush navy carpeting swallowed my bare feet and muted the sounds of my footsteps as I hunted for the bathroom. I peeked through a half opened door and saw pristine white tiles and I scurried over and into the ensuite bathroom. I slowly closed the door with a quiet little click and turned the lock.

It's not that I didn't trust Dominic; I was just tired of him seeing me when I am in the weakest moments of my existence. I couldn't even call what I was doing living. I merely existed. The only high points in my life was the beautiful being on the other side of the door, our parents, La Casa, and my awesome staff.

Stripping out of my crumpled clothes, I looked around for something, anything to put on so I wouldn't have to jump back into my wrinkled dirty clothes. Now naked, I made my way to the glass shower and almost did a happy dance to see a fluffy dark green terry cloth robe hanging on a peg next to the stall, as well as fresh towels and wash clothes neat folded on a shelf. I stepped under the hot spray of water and let the heat seep into my tired muscles. The water cascaded over my body and I released a deep sigh before grabbing Dominic’s body wash and popping the cap. A smile played around my lips as I inhaled the fresh sandalwood scent of his body wash. His scent always calmed me on one hand, but it also excited me on the other.

Ethan and Dominic (manxman) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now