Chapter 7

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Chapter 7



I spent most of my day in the office and made my way through all the invoices and orders that were necessary in order for my restaurant to run like a well oiled machine. I couldn’t help but to keep the little grin off my face. I had managed to tell Dominic everything, every dirty, filthy thing, and he still said that he loved me and he wanted me and that I was the most beautiful thing in his life. I practically floated with that little bit f news. I knew that I wasn’t cured of my anxiety overnight, and I don’t know if I will be able to go all the way sexually with Dominic anytime soon. My mind took me back to this morning and the intense feelings and the shared orgasm we experienced while I was sitting on his lap, and I flushed yet again but with delight and yes, some embarrassment at how wanton I had acted.

Regardless of my actions, it felt awesome, the release and connection I felt with him this morning was unreal. But even with all of that, I don’t know how I would feel to let him penetrate my body. Corey had made sure that it had hurt so bad, my knees buckled and I was hurt and in pain for days afterward. I knew it was wrong comparing the two men, because I knew in my heart Dominic would rather die than hurt me, and besides it was too early in our newfound feelings to be thinking about sex anyway. He was right; I needed to talk to someone. To heal and be the man that he sees me as.

The alarm on my phone chirped and I jumped and looked at the time. I got up and quickly changed my clothes. From my dress slacks to my chef’s clothes and made my way to the kitchen and my personal cook station. I had promised to make Dominic his favorite, chicken Marsala with angel hair pasta. I also had mixed together the sweetened ricotta cream filling the overstuffed cannolis he also adored. The nice white wine I chose to accompany the dish would blend perfectly because I incorporated some of the same wine along with the Marsala wine in the chicken recipe. I got busy making my man his food, nodding here and there barely following the conversations of my staff as they bustled around me. I was totally focused on making my dish perfect.

Once I had everything together, I checked the time. I still had a few minutes before Dominic was due to arrive so I went back to my office to change back onto my slacks and button down shirt. Everything was ready. I walked through the dining area and nodded at a few of my guests as I made my way to one of the private dining rooms. Everything was in perfect order; I was just rearranging some of the place settings when I felt two large hands on my hips. I jumped at first, fully prepared to turn and flee but his expensive cologne drifted over my senses and I immediately felt completely safe as I turned into Dominic’s embrace and buried my face in his neck inhaling his intoxicating scent deeper into my lungs, letting it soothe me even more.

“Hey there, beautiful.” He greeted me with that deep rumble in his voice that just melted my knees every time I heard it. “You smell delicious.” He murmured as he nuzzled the side of my face. His five o’clock shadow scraped against my cheek sending little shivers of delight down my spine. Nope, I don't think it will be a huge hurdle to overcome for me to intimate with this God of a man.

“Hello how was work today?” I shyly asked as he squeezed me a little tighter, like he found it extremely difficult to let me go. I wasn’t complaining. For far too long I have wondered and dreamed about what it would feel like to he held and seen as something precious by this one man. Corey tried to take that from me, but now I refuse to let him ruin the remainder of my life or determine my happiness.

“My day started out so busy sweetness, but by the end some colleagues of mine from the hospital as well as some of the attorney’s offices in my building met up at a meeting for our annual owners pow wow. I almost forgot that meeting was today.” He said as he guided me towards a chair and I sank down into it. Dominic took the chair and turned it so that he was seated right in front of me. I was curious as to his change in mood when his expression turned serious.

“Now Babe, I don’t want you to panic and I want you to breathe through what I am going to say. One of the legal firms housed in my building has a team of lawyers that represent the city council. And a patient of mine is the father to one of the lawyer’s firm that leases office space in my building. I tentatively approached the attorney and hypothetically questioned him about the you and what Councilman Engle did to you all those years ago. I didn’t mention your name, just his and it seems our good Councilman is being investigated for corruption and embezzlement of city funds. There are also several filed complaints from homosexual staff of sexual harassment and/or abusive treatment both verbally and physically. It is only his family name and money that is hiding those allegations from the public.” Dominic stated and I felt the blood rushing out of my face.

I wanted to run, my panic was threatening to take hold of me but I had promised him that I would make a stand and face my feelings. His words sank in all of what he was explaining to me, and I just shook my head. Corey was really a disgusting piece of work. I was sure he was guilty of all of what was being said about him. I just didn’t know what to do about it. Like Dominic explained, Corey was doing what he does best and that was using his money and his charm to hide the repugnant human being that he really was. “I don’t know what to do about him. It’s been too long for me to step forward now.” I quietly stated just seconds before my head waiter tapped on the door. I called for him to enter and nodded my consent when he asked if we were ready to be served.

Dominic nodded his head; he looked to be thinking something over in his head. “Corey seems to be getting away with his behavior because no one can prove anything. Nothing sticks, it’s his word against his accusers and I wouldn’t put it past him that he is even paying people off to keep their silence.”

I just shook my head. “Anyway, enough if that, I made your favorite.” I said as Josh made his way to our private table skillfully carrying a large tray heaped with steaming dishes. He opened the stool with a flourish and balanced the tray of top. And like the well trained five star restaurant server that he is, he set about spreading our pristine white linen napkins on our laps with a snap of his wrist. He produced dish after dish and I smiled wide as Dominic’s eyes scanned the table and he practically licked those delectable lips of his. I felt the now familiar tingle behind my balls and I smiled even wider. I was a normal human male, and for years Corey made me equate the act of sex as something shameful and dirty, but this Angel sitting across from me was opening my eyes and my heart to a whole new way of thinking.

Ethan and Dominic (manxman) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now