Chapter 6

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Chapter 6



“Damn, he was exquisite.” I thought as he settled against my chest in post coital bliss. Just watching him come apart in my arms, the graceful arch of his back, those slender muscles straining as his body found its release was absolutely breathtaking and hot. I had no choice but to find my own release as his sweet firm ass cheeks ground into my cock and rubbed over my shaft over and over again when he was chasing his completion. I placed a tired but sated kiss on his shoulder. “Come on, baby, let’s get cleaned up and then how about a nap?” I asked as I rose with Ethan still wrapped around me like a vine. He just nodded and clung onto me as I made my way to my ensuite bathroom.

We wound up spending the most of the day in bed; we didn’t go any further than holding each other close and really opening up and talking to one another. It was raw, it was honest, and most of all it was a release. Now neither one of us had to wonder what the other was thinking, or what we had on our minds. Because I was up front and blunt as can be, and although Ethan had some moments during our discussions, feelings that just gutted me to the core. I had a mind to schedule him to see a colleague of mine that I felt he would benefit from. I casually mentioned it to him and braced myself for him to draw away from me. But yet again, he surprised the hell out of me by accepting. Ethan even went as far as asking me to come with him. And of course, I agreed. I would walk into the pits of hell for him and I told him so just to watch his adorable blush spread across his creamy skin.

Evening came and Ethan began making noises about going home, he had called his restaurant to make sure everything was running smoothly. I could tell that he felt extremely guilty about leaving everyone to handle everything while he quietly came apart. But his staff was great and reassured him that everything was fine. Still he wanted to go home so he can get ready to go to work the next day. I relented, but I refused to let him stay by himself and let the shadows of the past threaten haunt him ever again. So I picked out my suit for the office and placed it in the garment bag along with my dress shoes and toiletries. Ethan walked shyly beside me to my car and I opened the door and tucked my precious cargo inside.

Once we reached his townhouse, a few blocks from my home. I pulled into his driveway and hopped out of the car. I opened the door for Ethan and he stepped out and reached in for my clothes. I kissed his pretty pink lips in thanks as I took them from him and walked beside him to his door. He fumbled with his keys but managed to open the door and let us inside. His home was always immaculate. Whenever I had come over in the past either for him to feed the starving intern or just to chew the fat. I never missed the stylish decadence of his organized home. And I knew he was responsible for it all by himself, whereas I had a very efficient maid that came twice a week to make me look like I have my shit together.

We didn’t have to say anything. Ethan pulled me down the hall and we performed our nightly routine of brushing and puffing before bed. I wanted nothing more than to feel his silky smooth skin against mine, so when he attempted to put on a shirt I snatched it from him and threw it over his shoulder back into the closet. He crossed his arms over his gloriously naked chest and pouted. But he didn't resist me when I drew him into my arms and tucked him off into bed as I snuggled into his side. Sleep wasn’t far off once we settled for the night and I said a final prayer giving thanks that I finally had Ethan in my arms where he belonged.

The next time I opened my eyes, the sun was shining across the plush duvet that covered my body. I immediately reached out for Ethan but my hand brushed against the cool empty sheets instead of his warm body. I lifted my head and peered around the room and still no sign of Ethan. Yawning as I rolled over and stretched almost purring when I felt that satisfying pop in my shoulders and lower back, effectively releasing the tension in those areas. I threw the covers back and was about to stand up when the smell of coffee suddenly permeated the room and I turned to see Ethan standing in the doorway with a laden tray in his arms.

“Wow, breakfast in bed, baby. You are going to spoil me rotten, at this rate I’ll never want to leave this room and your bed, ever.” I stated and like clockwork, he flushed bright red before ducking his head as he shuffled towards the bed.

I relieved him of the heavy tray and my mouth watered at the spread in front of me. My man made me French crepes with strawberry filling, and what looked like a mushroom and cheese omelet. There was fresh orange juice along with the most aromatic coffee I had ever had the fortune to have. My hands greedily reached for the huge coffee mug and the first sip of the dark brew was like heaven. I savored my coffee as I winked at my man in thanks. He just beamed and dug the fork into the omelet. I didn’t complain when he fed me the bite of the delicious food.

After breakfast, all I wanted to do was get back in bed and snuggle the day away with Ethan but we were adults with responsibilities. He went to his closet and I went to shower. We switched off and by the time we were dressed for the day. I was wide awake. I was apprehensive when I dropped him off at the back entrance delivery bay to his eatery. I told him to call me if he caught even so much as a glimpse of the shithead Councilman. He nodded and gave me a shy kiss on the cheek before disappearing through the door.

 With a heavy sigh, I made my way to my office. I had some catching up to do since I blew off my notes and asked a colleague to cover my hospital rounds for me yesterday. I had to catch up on those patients as well. I also had to make an appointment for us with my therapist friend. So I had a full plate today. I parked my car and hit the ground running as I made my way into my office. My office manager wasted no time and she was on my heels the minute I stepped through the door. And my day just got ridiculously busy and even more hectic as the hours passed by.

But as busy I was, my mind found the time to think about Ethan and worry if he was alright. I had to try to temper the rage that was building in my heart against that bastard, Corey Engle. How could he have done it him? How could he look at the gentle soul that is Ethan and violate him that way? I wanted so much to just go find the fucker and give him a taste of his own medicine. I really didn't give a shit about the repercussions or any fallout from my actions. That son of a bitch needed to stand up and face what he did, and pay for it. My nurse interrupted my thoughts and I was grateful. I shook away the dark musings and resumed my day. I couldn’t wait to meet up with Ethan this evening. He had promised to make me my favorite dish. Finally, I had him, he was going to be mine and I vowed to myself that I will never let anyone or anything hurt him ever again.

Ethan and Dominic (manxman) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now