The help of faragonda

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Chapter 1 ep.11

In Alfea...............

"Alright guys,we need to talk to headmistress faragonda to help rhythm's problem" said bloom.

"Um.....why do we need to talk to headmistress faragonda?" requested by Stella.

"Headmistress faragonda can help us in this because she will give a advice and we can learn more ideas if we talk to her " kindly said by bloom.

"Okay ,now I understand " said Stella.

"Alright!Let's go to headmistress faragonda and help rhythm"loudly said by Aisha.

The winx come to headmistress faragonda's office.

In headmistress faragonda's office............

"We'll need your help ,headmistress faragonda"said the winx.

"Alright, what's it?"said headmistress faragonda.

"We need to help our new fairy friend named rhythm"said bloom

"Who is she?"requested by headmistress faragonda.

"She was the fairy of music too who destroy the village of melody that you're talking about a while ago"explained by bloom to headmistress faragonda.

"Oh!I remember her now but wait,why did she destroy the village of melody"asked by headmistress faragonda

"It's because of her stepmother and her stepsister who always hurt her. She says its alright that she always hurt but the wrong is her stepmother and her stepsister secretly killed his father. That's why she did it because of her angry heart to her stepmother and stepsister"said Aisha.

"Alright winx , to help rhythm,you all just need to believe in yourselves that you all can do it and you all can learn about it how can your powers be stronger"kindly said by headmistress faragonda.

"Alright ,we will find it out and thank you headmistress faragonda"said by the winx.

The winx back to the kingdom of melody to help rhythm in her problem as they promise to her.

In kingdom of melody.........

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