The new power of trix

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Chapter 1 ep. 13

In the Trix's hiding place........

"We need to get more powers to make us so stronger than winx"said icy.

"But how?!" said Darcy.

" We need to get a fairy power"said icy.

"What?!It is dangerous in alfea colleges for fairies"said Stormy.

" Sometimes, when I am going to alfea secretly,I saw other fairies secretly going outside of alfea"said icy.

"Are you sure?"said Darcy.

"Yes,I'm sure "surely said by icy.

In alfea.................

The trix went to alfea secretly and they saw other fairies going outside of alfea . When they saw other fairies,the trix quickly captured them and they get their powers.  While they are getting the six fairies' powers,the trix decide to form their a frog.

"Hahahahaha........We've got it!gladly said by icy.

"Yes,were now powerful"said stormy.

"I feel it's so powerful than our sirenix powers"said darcy.

"Yes,it's true because it's more powerful than our sirenix powers.

The trix back to their hiding place to don't let anyone know about this.

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