The escape of trix

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Chapter 1 ep.7

In trix hiding place....

One morning,the trix wake up and they hear something in outside.

"Who's there!?Is someone here?loudly said by icy.

The trix follow the sounds of it but they can't believe that a enormous or huge monster were living in it .When they saw the enormous monster,they totally run fast.

"Oh no!!!I don't know what kind of monster is it"said Darcy.

"We better need to run because I don't want to die in that ugly monster"said stormy.

"No,we need to defeat it!Darcy,you'll need to use our dark sirenix illusion to use it in winx"said icy.

"You're right ,icy"gladly said by Darcy.

"I thought we will die in this monster but it will not coming true because of your idea ,icy"said stormy

AS THE POWER OF DARK SIRENIX,I COMMAND YOU TO FOLLOW ALL MY COMMANDS............................................

DARK SIRENIX ILLUSION.........................

The command of Darcy to the monster is followed by the monster and  didn't just attack the winx for now because they will just make their powers stronger.

In cloudtower,the headmistress of it,Headmistress Griffin was very angry to the trix because they escape in cloudtower .Headmistress Griffin went to alfea and tell to Headmistress Faragonda and winx that that trix escape from the cloudtower.

"I've already told you everybody¡We should didn't believe in them and forgive their what they done to us."angrily said by Stella to everyone.

"We're so sorry Stella but now we won't forgive them now"kindly said by Aisha to Stella.

"Oh I understand you winx,I am just being protected to you ,guys"sadly said by Stella.

"Thanks Stella"said musa

"We understand you "kindly said by bloom.

"Thanks guys"thankfully said by Stella to everyone.

The winx hugged together happily and they visit Daphne to ask where can they find the trix but the result was ,they didn't find the trix because the cloudtower's key to escape was all locked. The winx decided to go to their own room to sleep.

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