The decision

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Chapter 1 ep. 12

The winx quickly went to the jail of melody to help rhythm.

"I'll go talk to my father to help you in this "said musa.

"But how?"asked by rhythm.

"He's the king of this kingdom,melody"said musa.

"So,you are a princess"said rhythm.

"Yes,we all win are princesses"said by the winx.

"Oh...I am so sorry for all of you , princesses"said rhythm.

"Don't call us it and we'll help you"said musa.

Rhythm smiled at winx and say " thank you"kindly said rhythm to winx.

"You're welcome,we'll always here for help"gladly said by flora to rhythm.

The winx go talk to the king of melody or musa's father to let rhythm had her freedom and musa explain to her father rhythm's reasons why she did it. Meanwhile,the kingdom had a decision. They give a freedom for rhythm and rhythm's stepmother and stepsister were in jail because of what they've done to rhythm's father and abusing rhythm.

Rhythm was very thankful to winx because they help her with rhythm's problem situation.

"Thank you for helping me in my problem"thankfully said by rhythm to winx.

The winx and rhythm hugged theirselves.

Meanwhile,faragonda call the winx to back.

" Oh....were so sorry rhythm ,we have to go back in alfea . If you need help, come to us and we will help you"said bloom to rhythm.

"Thank you winx,"thankfully said by rhythm to winx.

"Goodbye rhythm,"said winx to rhythm.

"Goodbye winx,"said rhythm to winx.

The winx are very glad to help a new friend while they are arriving.

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