The punish to trix

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Chapter 1 ep. 5

In alfea......

Bloom and the winx back to alfea. They surprise by headmistress Faragonda's reward to winx as the  best students in alfea.

(A loud of applause for winx from the fairies ,professors, and etc)

"Amazing,I can't believe we rewarded as the best students in alfea"gladly said by musa.

"Me too, I can't believe it "said flora.

When the rewarding is finished,winx go to their room and celebrate their reward. Meanwhile , the winx call the specialists and they have some fun .

In cloudtower.........

In Cloudtower,the trix punish by headmistress griffin because of what they've done in winx club .

"Alright, I have decided,you trix  will go to alfea to apologize to the winx then,I will not punish you if the winx forgive your apologize but if they not I will not stop punishing you trix "angrily said by headmistress Griffin.

"Do you understand it trix!?"added by headmistress Griffin.

The trix can't  believe on what they hear by headmistress griffin.

"Do you can do that,trix?"requested headmistress griffin to the Trix.

" Yes , we will apologize" said by the Trix.

Griffin decided to go in alfea with the trix to apologize to the winx club .The winx saw headmistress Griffin with  the Trix . They quickly go down to see what's going on there .

"Why are you here?" requested Stella to the trix.

"They come here Stella because they want to apologize to you everyone for what they've done. "said headmistress griffin.

"I am not sure, prove it first!"said Stella.

"Stella, I think we should forgive them but if they did it again , griffin will punish them again,does I am right headmistress griffin?"requested bloom to headmistress griffin.

"Yes , I promise it winx"said griffin.

"Alright,we need to start it "said tecna.

"We're really sorry winx for what they've done and we're promise that we will never do that again" sadly said by the trix to the win club.

The winx forgive the apologize of the trix except Stella.

"Stella ,why did you didn't forgive them?" requested bloom to Stella.

"Because I'm it sure that they will never do that again but because you are my best friend bloom ,I will forgive them but it doesn't mean that we will be friends"said Stella to bloom.

"Yes , I understand you Stella" said by bloom.

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