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Yasmin S.

Welcome week was finally coming to an end and Yasmin felt like she couldn't get any happier. The days were actually very long and filled with information and it was making her tired. The one thing she enjoyed was Chioma's company and trips onto the promenade at night.

Yasmin was in the middle of getting ready of Olive Branch. She had on the shirt she was given to match all of the freshmen of the AUC and a pair of light washed jeans. She was applying lip gloss when there was knock on the door.

"Come in!" She said, knowing it was Chioma.

"Hey, hey." Chioma chirped. She lived on the second floor and they discussed to meet in Yasmin's room to leave together.

"Hey." Yasmin responded, putting on mascara. She decided not to wear any heavy makeup and went with mascara and clear lipgloss.

"How do I look?" Yasmin asked, facing Chioma.

"Cute. You're skin is so great." Chioma responded. "Are you trying to be cute for your boo?"

Yasmin giggled. "What boo?"

Chioma glared at her with a smirk and Yasmin caught on.

"That boy is not my boo! I don't even want a boo right now."

Chioma sighed in a goofy way. "Whatever you say, sis. Just know, Chioma always knows."

Yasmin shook her head. "Come on before we're late."

The girls exited Yasmin's room and walked to the student center where the rest of the freshmen class were standing, preparing to receive a sister or brother. There were two lines, one for men and one for women. They walked towards the end of the girl's line and were playing on their phones.

"Yas, look." Chioma said in order to get Yasmin's attention. Yasmin looked up to see Chioma holding her camera and recording herself and Yasmin on Snapchat. Yasmin went with it and made model faces as if she was taking multiple selfies.

"This is so cute." Chioma cheered. "I should've put a filter on it."

Yasmin shrugged. "Natural beauty is the best."

Chioma nodded in agreement. "That is true."


All of the students from Clark Atlanta, Morehouse, and Spelman were sitting in King's Chapel that was on Morehouse's campus. The girls got their Spelman sisters, who were roommates and best friends from Norfolk, Virginia. They all exchanged numbers and social medias. Yasmin hoped she could keep a good relationship with them because she wanted to make sure she made friends at Spelman.

Olive Branch consisted of more speeches and Yasmin was getting annoyed. She was always a little antsy because her attention span was not the best. But the last speaker had just finished talking and the energy in the auditorium increased. An upperclassman came to the stage and asked everyone to stand up and recite the pledge that was on the back of everybody's shirt. After the pledge was said, a person cut on a song that Yasmin knew was an HBCU spiritual.

"Alright, so y'all already know what's about to happen right!?" Yasmin heard Marcellus' voice boom. Yasmin found him attractive but that was no surprise. He was an attractive young man. But it was a little crush and she knew it would go away once school started for real.

"We gonna go left to right." He continued while dragging the word "left".

Yasmin huddled up with her row as they began to do what an HBCU was known for.

Swag surfing.

Everyone started to sway left to right on beat with the slow entrance.

Man I got that swag

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