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Marcellus W. 

Marcellus was in his room when there were a few knocks at his door. He rose from his bed and checked his peephole.

"How'd you get in here?" He asked Danya once he opened the door.

"That front door is never locked." She answered. "We have to talk."

Marcellus glared at her. "About what?"

"It's a lot." She mumbled.

"Okay. Come in."

Danya entered his room and sat on his bed. She didn't say anything for a moment and she kept her head facing downwards. 


Her head shot up and she took a deep breath. "Sit down. Please."

Marcellus slowly went to his bed to take a seat. He was nervous because she was giving that vibe towards him. The way she acted had Marcellus a little scared. He thought she was about to tell him she was pregnant or something along those lines.

"Babe. What's wrong?" He questioned.

"You know I know how to read any type of energy, right?" She asked. 

Marcellus nodded. Danya was from a Caribbean country and her household was very energy and vibe oriented. Someone would have thought they were witches with the things that they did. 

"Okay. You do know I love you, right?"

"Yes, Danya. I do and I love you too. What's going on?"

Danya didn't say anything but she started to tear up.

What in the world is up with this girl?

"Danya, what you crying for? Can you talk to me and quit beating around the bush."

Danya wiped her face with her hand and looked at him. "That girl. She's like a threat."

"What girl?" Marcellus asked full of confusion. 

"Whatever girl. With the friend."

Marcellus took a minute to think about it then he realized. 

"Yasmin?" Marcellus started chuckling. "Why do you see her as threat? I'm only for you. How many times do I have to say that?"

Danya sighed. "You can say it as many times as you want. That bitch is a threat to me."

"Whoa. Watch your mouth. Why she gotta be a bitch?"

"Because I clearly don't like her, Marcellus."

Marcellus had never felt as confused as he did at that moment.

"Why? I'm not getting you right now."

"She likes you. And I think she likes you a lot. She's pretty and fit and she has an expensive taste in clothes. I can't compare." Danya stopped talking once she started to sob.

Marcellus mentally rolled his eyes. He felt like Danya wasn't making any type of sense. But she was insecure of herself so he somewhat understood.

But he wished that she didn't think of herself in that way.

"Aye, cut all that out. Danya, why are you like this? Do you not look in the mirror everyday?"

Danya eased her sobbing but she still had tears running down her cheeks.

"I do."

"So why can't you see what I see when I look at you? Do you think I give a damn that Yasmin may or may not like me? Because I really don't. You are the woman that I see myself with and see myself marrying. You are so damn beautiful and I need you to feel that away at all times. Understand me?"

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