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Marcellus W.

Yasmin: It's just a little sprain and I have an ace band on so I'll be fine - 12:55 p.m.

Well, that's great - 12:55 p.m.

Yasmin: Ikr! I'll talk to you later. I'm in class -12:56 p.m.

Marcellus locked his phone as we walked into Brazeal after his last class. It was Friday so it meant it was going to be a light day. He didn't have a shift to cover, but he had to be on desk at eight in the morning tomorrow. He didn't plan on going out tonight then.

Once he got into his room, he laid out on his bed. Spelman's stroll auditions began tonight so he didn't plan on talking to Danya for a few hours. He worked hard all week so he felt like he deserved a break from homework. He played a video game then sat on his phone for a few hours then ordered some food for himself once seven o'clock rolled around. He was about to call the local pizza place when he got a text message from Nick.

Nick: Clark got visitation now. Chioma invited me over and wanted me to see if you wanna slide too - 7:08 p.m.

He looked at the clock. Danya wouldn't be done until seven.

Sure. Meet me at Brazeal. - 7:11 p.m.

Marcellus already had on appropriate clothing and left his room to the lobby of Brazeal. Once Nick texted him, saying he was outside, they started to make their way to Merner.

"I heard about ole' girl." Nick said.

Marcellus sighed, getting irritated with the situation all over again. "It don't make sense, bruh."

"I feel you." Nick responded. "She got a black eye?"

Marcellus sucked his teeth. "Hell no, she don't got no black eye. Chill man."

Nick chuckled. "A'ight man. I quit."

Marcellus wanted to change the topic. "Wassup with you and Chioma?"

Nick shrugged slightly, trying to play cool. "I mean..."

"Aye my boy got a crush." Marcellus teased.

Nick waved him off. "Chill out. Ain't no crushing. I'm messing with her. She messing with me."

Marcellus nodded. "Mhm. So if she was with somebody on the promenade?"

Nick waved his hands in a stop motion. "Nah, that's dead."

"So, you do like her?"

Nick sucked his teeth. "Okay. I like the jawn. Damn."

Marcellus laughed. "Ain't nothing wrong with that, my brother."

Nick texted Chioma once the pair was close. When they got to Merner, she was by the front steps.

"Hey, shorty." Nick greeted her with a hug.

"Hey. Hi, Marcellus."

"'Sup Chi."

They were about to walk in Merner but Chioma turned her head for a second then stopped walking.

Marcellus and Nick turned theirs as well to see what, or who, she was looking at.

Once Marcellus saw who it was, he put his hand on his forehead.

It was Jarad. He was with the same girl as the last time Marcellus saw him.

"I know that's not..." Chioma mumbled to herself. "Whatever. C'mon y'all."

They gave their I.D.'s and contact information to the RA's once they were in the hall. Chioma stayed on the first floor and opened the door of the dorm. Marcellus saw Yasmin resting her foot on few pillows as she scrolled on her computer.

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