Chapter One

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Sophie's Pov~ 

        I hated my life. I felt like I was going to kill myself any minute. But I didn't. My parents beat me. They beat me when they were sober, but when they were drunk..... that was a whole different story...

They told me that I was stupid and ugly. When I was ten years old I ran away. I realized I couldn't live on the streets so I came back.

I walked through the front door and saw my parents in the living room, each of them holding a beer bottle in their hands. The smell of alchohol lingered through the air. There were emty bottles spread across teh coffee table and broken ones scattered across the floor. 

"Hey, Rob!" Mom said, standing up from her seat on the couch. She nodded her head in my direction. "Little Miss Ugly is back." Her words were slurred. He walked over to me and punched me in the stomach.

"You shouldn't have come back Sophie," he whispered in my ear. I let out a loud cry as pain rushed through my body and tears streamed down my face. I fell to the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest. "Leave!! No one loves you, and no one will ever love you, Sophie! Get out my house!!" he screamed at me. 

I scrambled to my feet and ran out the door that I had come through a  few minutes ago. As I ran away from the small house, I heard them laughing at me. God, I hated them so much.

I ran and ran. By the time the sun was going down, I stopped in a dark alley to rest. I barely got any sleep that night beacause cars were driving by constantly. As soon as I woke up, I got back on my feet and ran again. I had to get as far away from them as possible.

 After a few days of running, I finally came to a nice city called San Diego. Yes, I was in California, like I was my whole life.

I walked into a building with a big, colorful sign that said 'Families For Children'. I was guessing that it was a foster home. I was right. When I got to the front desk I told the lady my childhood story. She began to cry. She showed me a room with ten beds. I walked over to the only vacant bed that was all the way in the back. The other little girls looked at me as I made my way to my bed.

Six years passed by. Now I'm sixteen years old. I was the one who never got adopted, the one who was always quiet when I was was spoken to. No one even bothered to look at me. But when they did, they just went to the next little girl. Every week I saw one of my friends getting adopted but never me. I really wanted to leave this foster home. They had terrible food and hard beds. I cried myself to sleep just about every night. I wish I could start my life over, but we all knew that wasn't possible.

Every day that passed by without me getting adopted felt like no one loved me. Maybe I was ugly. Is that why no one adopted me? My parent were right, no one could ever love me.

One day a lady came in looking for a child to adopt. She looked like a business woman. She wore a     nice business suit, black high heels, and to top it all off, a necklace that looked like it cost thousands of dollars. The anonymous woman walked around the room where all the children were playing. She walked over to the back where I was.

"I would like to adopt.... her," she said pointing to me.

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