Chapter Two- Strange Happenings-

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Henry Cavill as Logan Warrd

Rose's P.O.V.

I got myself up the next morning without any trouble. Mainly because I didn't get any sleep due to how excited I was for my first day. Once I was finished with my shower, makeup and hair, I changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans, a white v neck t-shirt, and my lucky grey pair of converses. I grabbed my book bag and began packing my notebooks inside of it.

"I see you didn't need any help getting up this morning." Michael leaned against my door frame.

"Yup. First day is always the big one, can't be late." I smiled walking passed him and hopping down the stairs.

"Hey, before you go-" I turned around to find a pair of keys flying towards me. I quickly caught them and smiled. "don't crash my baby." He referred to his SUV. I nodded my head and headed out, making sure I had everything before entering the vehicle and driving off.


The last time I was in public school was right before I left home. I was so nervous to even walk up to the doors, I just stood there starring at them as people passed me. I rubbed my hand up and down my arm, asking myself why I'm still standing here.

Finally, after talking myself over it, I pulled the door open, walking into High School hallways. Girls sat around giggling while guys playfully pushed each other around. Couples were kissing and loners were just, well, lonely. I walked into the Main office and smiled at the first lady I noticed.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Roseline Jaeun, of course! We got your legal guardian's email the other day about you attending our school." The lady smiled. "My name is Ms. Kelly, I'm the counselor here at Greenville High. If you need anything, feel free to stop by my office." She handed me my schedule and book listings along with a map. "Would you like some help with finding your classes?" She asked. I smiled back at her.

"Yeah, that would be great." I answered. I followed Ms. Kelly down the hallways as she showed me all my classrooms. The halls were empty, showing me class had already begun. Did the bell even ring?

"And that's Greenville High. I hope your senior year turns out great here, I know it can be pretty tough moving in the middle of the year, especially when you've been home schooled for so long." I nodded my head.

"I'm use to it.. But, thank you for the tour Ms.?" I totally forgot her name.. I mentally slapped myself across the face.

"Ms. Kelly. It's alright, names can be pretty hard to remember." She smiled before taking off down the hallways. "Hurry on up to class! Mr. Jensen hates tardy's, but I'll email him to excuse you." I thanked her one last time before she turned and entered the office once again.

I took a deep breath and starred at the door in front of me, reaching out to grab the handle but slowly retreating my hand back.

Something doesn't seem right...

Before I could even question any further, two boys pushed past me and into the class, nearly knocking my papers out of my hand. I gripped onto them tightly and followed the two boys inside.

"Ah, Mr. Kyle and his friend Scott. What a pleasure." The teacher starred at them both with daggers in his eyes. "Oh please won't you take your seat." He muttered sarcastically. Once the two sat down, one of them noticed me standing there, he cleared his throat and nodded his head in my direction. "And who might you be? Are you lost?" He asked. Already I could tell I wasn't going to like him.

"Uh, no.. I'm new here." I handed him my class schedule. He put on his glasses that were resting on his sweater, glancing through my schedule before asking for my transcripts.

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