Chapter One- The Changing-

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Bridget Satterlee as Roseline Jaeun


Natives and Wolves lived in peace at one point in history. They used the wolves as hunting partners, and the wolves used the humans for protection. But the real story isn't how these two species co-existed together. The real story, is what turned man and wolf against each other..

A man vowed to his tribe to return home with the white dear to feed the whole village and never to return until such. The legendary white dear was never seen by man, but this human was determined to find it. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months for the man as he hunted alone. His fellow hunters perished in the cold, and the ones who didn't, died from hunger.

The man was driven with determination to find the white dear.. He sat near the fire alone in the cold night, his wolf companion stayed near him to keep him warm. The two had practically grown up together, labeled by the tribe seer as soul mates. But the man was selfish.

He attacked his soul mate, viciously cutting him open and feeding off his flesh. By the time he was finished, he hadn't realized the Moon Goddess was watching him the entire time. Testing him. He begged for forgiveness and asked for his companion back. The Moon Goddess could only see greed in his eyes, but gave him his wish.

Only instead of bringing back his soul mate in physical form, she placed both man and wolf into one body. Cursed to roam at night during the full moon, changing into a large beast feared by all. They called him the wolf-man before the term Werewolf was even given.

The Werewolf attacked his own village, turning them all into the monster that he was. He laughed in the face of the Moon Goddess, showing her what she had created. The Moon Goddess cursed those who changed into wolves at night to roam the earth forever, never to be accepted again.

Today, these monsters still exist. They walk among us, talk like us, look like us. But they will never have what humans do that they crave most... A soul.


Rose's P.O.V.

It happened again..

I gasped awake, jerking myself upright in a sitting position as I sat on the forest ground. I looked around for anyone who just so happened to witness anything. I sighed in relief when I realized nobody else was around. But I soon let out a groan once I realized I was butt naked again. I stood up and began running back home, making sure I wasn't being followed in the process.

Once I arrived back home, I noticed a note and my rose red silk robe sitting on the porch swing. I quickly slipped on my robe and read the note as I walked inside the house.


I'm guessing it happened again. I hope you made sure nobody was following you. The Clave is onto us so I've made arrangements to leave. Please be ready.


I turned on the stove top and placed the piece of paper into the flames, making sure it was completely destroyed.

You're probably wondering what my story is. It's far more complicated for even me to understand.. The basics that I do know was being left on the doorstep of Jeremy and Ella Jaeun, a married couple who worked for the Clave. The Clave is a secret organization of Hunters trained to kill any supernatural creature. When my parents realized what species I was, they sent me away with a man named Michael, my guardian. The last time I seen my parents was my tenth birthday, but after that, I lost contact with them completely. I never found out why my birth mother gave me away or why the Clave is actually chasing us.

I changed into a pair of jeans with rips in them, sneakers, and a baggy red v neck t-shirt. Once I was properly dressed, I started to throw my things into my suit case, making sure I grabbed the important things before anything else. I glanced around my room and felt pity on it, knowing Michael would set the house on fire to erase all traces of us ever being there.

I went out to the white SUV and threw my things into the trunk, pushing aside Michael's things.

"Clave is only five days behind us. If we leave as soon as possible there's a good chance they could loose all traces of us." Michael walked up to me, helping me throw my things in the back.

I only nodded, not wanting to reflect on how I was going to miss this place even though it was only for two years. It felt like home, and with whats all going on, it's rare to find one.

Michael lit a match after he spread gasoline all over the house and the yard. I looked away and glanced down at my phone, starring at the house Michael was taking me to next.

"I'm hoping this small town we're going to won't be easy for them to find." He jumped into the SUV and started it up.

"Where?" I asked.

"Greenville, North Carolina." I groaned and slouched in my seat.

"Gonna be hard to shift when everyone is literally your neighbor." I remarked. Michael only chuckled.

"Don't worry. The house I got is a mile into the forest, you won't be around anyone." He pushed my head. I slapped his arm and glared at him as he chuckled.


I nearly jumped out of my seat when Michael started shaking me awake. After three nights of straight up driving, we arrived at our new safe house. I looked down at my phone looking at the picture of the house before comparing it to the one in front of me.

"Uh, wrong house." I told him. Michael shook his head.

"Wanted you to think it looked like that." He smirked.

"Why? This house is so much better than the one in the picture." I smiled, getting out of the car and looking up at the house. It was a large white house that had six windows in the front, three on the bottom and three on the top. Two of the top windows on opposite sides of the middle one had a balcony on it. Vines wrapped all the way down the house making it look more amazing.

I quickly grabbed my bags and darted into the house, running all the way to the top and taking one of the larger rooms that came with a balcony and a sliding window door. I smiled and breathed in the fresh air, going back into my room and flopping myself onto my bed as I giggled. Hoping this home would be my forever.

"If you wanna go check out the town, you're welcome to." Michael appeared at my door. I sat up in my bed and smiled even more.

"I'm taking that we're eating out?" I raised my eyebrow, he sighed and walked down the hall. "YES!" I screamed.


Michael drove us both downtown in search of a restaurant, finally coming up to one that looked decent enough. Everything in Greenville, North Carolina was small or just plain and old.

"Original colonies lived here at one point." Michael gave me a history lesson.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, what's next, you're telling me I can go back to school?" I scoffed. His smile grew even larger.

"If I'm right about the Clave not being able to follow us all the way out here, I'm pretty sure you can start tomorrow." He handed me an envelope. I quickly took it from him and tore it open, nearly screaming at my class schedule. "Thought you might want to try and be normal for a bit." He smiled.

As we walked into the restaurant, I noticed a bunch of girls giggling in the corner as they gawked at Michael. Don't get me wrong, Michael looks pretty great for his age. Men in their forties usually look old and worn out, but Michael didn't look a day over thirty. I didn't think any of it though. To me, Michael was like a brother. A father figure almost.

"You know, you could be normal for a bit too." I nudged him, pointing over at the girls. Michael laughed and shook his head.

"Oh God no. I've got too much on my hands as it is." He laughed. I only shrugged my shoulders and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Suit yourself."

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